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没有血色的嘴唇抖动着一下子抽搐起来。That bloodless lip quivered to a temporary spasm.

之后,基本上就是无痛、无血手术了。Afterthat it’s basically painless, bloodless surgery.

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我军把城市包围起来,获得兵不血刃的胜利。By surrounding the city our troops achieve a bloodless victory.

我军把城市包围起来,获得兵不血刃的胜利。By surrounding the city our troops achieved a bloodless victory.

千万别以为这样的伤亡程度不算什么But don't imagine that these were anything like bloodless or easy.

在联合王国正发生一场财富分配方面的平稳变革。A bloodless revolution in the distribution of wealth is taking place in the U. K.

然而,说也奇怪,上任一年的奥巴马竟看似一个无情的总统。A year into his presidency, however, Mr Obama seems a curiously bloodless president.

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他说人们没有显示出任何体力的迹象,他们几乎都是面无血色。He says the people show no sign of physical strength. He says they appear almost bloodless.

没有血腥的战争,惊声尖叫的小鸟和“哼哼”的猪,仿佛让我们“穿越”了。The appeal of the bloodless battles, squawking birds and grunting pigs, seem to transcend age.

他的儿子,现任的埃米尔哈马德本哈利法阿勒萨尼,1995年推翻了一场政变。His son, the current Amir HAMAD bin Khalifa al-Thani, overthrew him in a bloodless coup in 1995.

卡扎菲掌权是在1969年,时年27岁,这一年他成功的领导了反对易德利斯国王的和平政变。Gaddafi came to power in 1969 at the age of 27 after leading a bloodless coup against King Idris.

布鲁塞尔冷酷的政治活动曾经是反对极端主义的堡垒,而现在却成了一个障碍。The bloodless politics of Brussels, once a bulwark against extremism, has now become an obstacle.

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这场不流血的战争持续一小时,把整个小镇变成了一片红色的海洋。The one-hour bloodless battle, known as the Tomatina, left the town awash in a sea of tomato pulp.

求助!失眠,没精神,出汗,头痛头晕是怎么回事?Appeal! Insomnia, bloodless , perspire, have a headache how is dizziness to return a responsibility?

穆沙拉夫将军1999年发动不流血政变取得权力,之后以公民投票的方式被选为总统。General Musharraf took power in a bloodless 1999 coup, and was later elected president by referendum.

脚趾、手指、耳朵、鼻子通常最早受到影响,会变冷、变硬、变白或缺血。The toes, fingers, ears, and nose are usually affected first, becoming cold, hard, white, or bloodless.

从它们自己所发生的效用上,书籍真是够好的东西,但它们是很强悍的、不见血的生命替代者。史蒂文森。Books are good enough in their own way, but they are a mighty bloodless substitute for life. R. L. Stevenson.

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如果要他们处理尸体的话,他们会把吸干血的尸体到处乱放还是把他们都吃光?And if they do what do they do with the bodies, do they just let bloodless bodies lie around or dispose of them?

转弯时,仗着星光,他尚能看到父亲的身驱,但看不到脸孔,也看不到厚度——只是一个黑色的、扁平的、没有生气的人影。Turning, he could see his father against the stars but without face or depth-a shape black, flat, and bloodless.

我预计这会是一个苍凉的夏天,我们会谨慎引援,基本上会是球员交换,而不会怎么花钱。We should expect a cautious, bloodless summer market with part-exchange deals but very little money moving around.