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把杰克的通话转到我的扬声电话上。Put Jack through my speakerphone.

不需要有听筒喇叭扩音器。Not with the handset speakerphone.

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内置扬声器支持免提以及音乐播放Speaker for speakerphone and music

免提通话有点扭曲了。Speakerphone calls had a bit of distortion.

使用有线耳机或扩音器功能,就能达到预防目的。Just use a wired headset or the speakerphone function,” she said.

底部内置一个高质量喇叭扩音器,非常理想的用作电话会议。The base is built-in one high quality speakerphone , ideal for conference calls.

耳机通话和免提都可以减少辐射。Connecting an ear piece or switching on speakerphone will reduce radiation exposure.

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用户可以通过开启免提功能或有线耳机来获得这个距离。Users can also use the speakerphone function or a wired earpiece to gain some distance.

我去倒杯咖啡、加奶加糖的时候又响了。The speakerphone rings while I go pour myself a cup ofcoffee and mix in cream and sugar.

扬声器旁边是一厚本记着我每天要干什么的工作簿。Next to the speakerphone is a fat daily planner bookthey keep full of things for me to get done.

它的好,知道来袭体育蓝牙和集成扬声器为免提操作。It's good to know the 8700r sports Bluetooth and integrated speakerphone for handsfree operation.

他也建议使用对讲装置或无线耳机以避免把手机放在耳朵上。He also recommends using speakerphone or a wireless headset to avoid placing the phone on your ear.

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你能够从其他程序放置和收到使用扬声器电话的电话和处理声音电话请求。You can place and receive calls using the speakerphone and handle voice call requests from other programs.

此外,当你没有练习古老的狂野风格舞蹈或玩游戏时,Jambox还能起到免提话筒的作用。And when you are not trying to pull off your old "Wild Style" dance moves or playing games, the Jambox can act as a speakerphone.

我从装龙虾的袋子里拿出满满一把海藻,撒在锅里的龙虾上,又响了。The speakerphone rings while I take a handful ofseaweed from the lobster bag and sprinkle it in on top of the lobsters in thepot.

每部无绳电话上都带有麦克风,没有接听到的来电会在彩色屏幕上和通话记录中显示,并标准明了具体日期和时间。Each handset is equipped with a speakerphone , and missed calls are noted on the color screen and in a call log, along with the date and time.

团队套件帮助组织和推动电话会议,启动按键式通话届挑选队员通过一个内置扬声器。Team Suite helps organize and facilitate conference calls, initiate push-to-talk sessions with selected team members through a built-in speakerphone.

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“我想看到你的计划,”扬声器大喊大叫,“我还想知道,从现在开始的五年里,你每天四点钟都在哪儿。“I want to be able to look at yourplanner,” the speakerphone yells at me, “and know exactly where I can find youat four o’clock on this day five years from now.

艾泼斯坦对着加装在个人助理系统上面的扩音喇叭拨了一个长途电喇叭上面个人话号码,与“性话题程序”的设计者接通了线。Epstein dials a long-distance number on a speakerphone patched into the PA system, and the author of the sex program comes on the line speakerphon epstein program.

他打开电话的扬声器,给查理兹·塞隆的经理打电话,问能否让她在一个有关世界杯的小品中出场,他们正在南非进行拍摄。He jabs at the speakerphone and puts in a quick call to Charlize Theron's manager to see if they can get her for a cameo in a World Cup bit they're shooting in South Africa.