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在粘膜内可见实性的肿瘤细胞巢。There are solid neoplastic nests in the mucosa.

胃粘膜已经消失或溃烂。Here the gastric mucosa has been lost, or ulcerated.

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第八节中耳的神经,血管,黏膜。Innervations, blood vessel. mucosa of the middle ear.

记录患者术腔黏膜的转归过程。The transitionary process of the mucosa was determined.

并将其缝合于仓鼠的口腔颊囊粘膜上。These wafers were fixed to the oral cheek pouch mucosa.

胃和十二指肠可见粘膜肌层。There was muscularis mucosa in ventriculus and duodenum.

萨福克羊皱胃黏膜肌层最厚,最薄的是蒙古羊。The thickest of the mucosa muscular layer was Texel sheep.

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右侧颊部粘膜下,有带痛的肿胀。There is a tender swelling beneath the right buccal mucosa.

皮肤、粘膜等未见出血现象。Recognizable hemorrhage in skin and mucosa were notobserved.

目的探讨鼻粘膜肥大细胞的颗粒性质。In order to discuss grain character of nose mucosa mast cells.

支原体主要存在于人和动物的腔道粘膜。Mycoplasma mainly exists in human and animal sinus tract mucosa.

此切除之囊肿的组织学检查发现有胃黏膜。Gastric mucosa wac found by the histologic study of the excised cyst.

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首先要张口呼吸,引起口唇粘膜干燥和咽部不适。Dehisce first breath, caused by dry lips and throat discomfort mucosa.

所有病例无尿路感染、输尿管黏膜剥脱、撕裂及狭窄等严重并发症。No ureteral mucosa denude, tear and stenosis and no infection was found.

口腔粘膜白斑病是一种严峻的口腔粘膜癌变前疾病。Oral leukoplakia is an important premalignant lesion of the oral mucosa.

胃窦粘膜萎缩时HP感染可减少十二指肠GM的发生。The HP reduced the development of GM with atrophy, in the antral mucosa.

粘膜下层的毛细林巴营和淋巴管多位于粘膜肌的直下方。Lymphatics in the submucosa were found in the depth of the muscularis mucosa.

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食管胃采取黏膜层和浆肌层分层吻合。Adopt delamination anastomosis for mucosa layer and muscle layer in esophagus.

切下来的粘液囊肿可以是正常的,也可以有部分的鳞状化生。The resected mucosa may be normal or demonstrate areas of squamous metaplasia.

安胃汤能修复和保护胃黏膜。Pathologic observation showed that AD could protect and recover gastric mucosa.