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我们如何协调这些?How do we reconcile that?

如何解释这种矛盾?How to reconcile this paradox?

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我无法调和这两种极端的观点。I can't reconcile the two extreme views.

但如何协调分歧习惯?But how to reconcile divergent practices?

可我现在却试图把她跟马联想到一块去。But now I tried to reconcile her to the horse.

别无他物,只有死亡能使忌妒和德行重新言好。Nothing but death can reconcile envy to virtue.

你如何调和这个选择与自由主义?How do you reconcile this choice with liberalism?

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朕调解整个欧洲较诸调解两个女人更快。I can sooner reconcile all Europe than two women.

枣调和气血,润燥。Jujube reconcile Qi blood and moistening dryness.

不过……我真的解决了我自己的问题了吗?But did I really reconcile the issue within myself?

张娜娜仍然等待着能够与家人和好。Zhang is still waiting to reconcile with her family.

东人党与西人党决定和解。The party decided to reconcile with the buzite party.

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我知道这是不可能的,但到底如何达成协调?I know that's not possible, but how do we reconcile this?

如何去调和一年与超出我们这个时代的愿景?How can one reconcile between one year and "not in our time"?

他们没有去调和那些冲突,我们也不应该。They didn't strive to reconcile the conflicts, nor should we.

我们每个月都把支票簿与银行结账单核对一次。Each month we reconcile our check book with the bank statement.

我认为,我们能解决问题,能调解争议。It's that I think we can resolve problems, we can reconcile issues.

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既然我们无法调和彼此的分歧,因此我们决定离婚。Since we couldn't reconcile our difference,we decided to get a divorce.

他们决定和解他们的异议,且不再计较过去的事。They decided to reconcile their differences and let bygones be bygones.

年分居后朋友们设法使他与妻子重修旧好。Friends managed to reconcile him with his wife after years of separation.