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第二天我离开沼泽居去莫尔顿。The next day I left Marsh End for Morton.

我看到老莫顿终于被提升了。I see old Morton has got himself promoted at last.

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莫顿说,“这使得所有努力都是值得的。”“That makes it all worthwhile right there,” says Mr Morton.

杰利·罗尔·莫顿是爵士作曲家中首位有分量的人。Jelly Roll Morton was the first jazz composer of importance.

奈赞尼?莫顿描述了他和朝圣者在1620年的所见所闻。Nathaniel Morton describes what he and other Pilgrims saw in 1620.

莫顿介绍说,这些甜菜实际上都来自相同的品种。This chard, Morton explains, is actually the same species as beets.

也是莫顿当初加入A-Ha时,他们排练的第一首歌。Morton Karket also had joined the A-Ha, they rehearsed the first song.

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市长托马斯也在,检察官魏岚德也在。Senator Morton. Mayor Thomas's there. District Attorney Wyland's there.

对莫顿和韦恩,看起来事情并不好解决。Listening to Morton and Winn, there doesn't seem to be an easy solution.

邦妮莫顿的里贾纳反贫困部为此鼓掌。The move was applauded by Bonnie Morton of the Regina Anti-Poverty Ministry.

因此,更确切地说,本案应该是“矿金峡谷诉莫顿”。This suit would therefore be more properly labeled as Mineral King v. Morton.

公司名义营业,现更名为詹姆士毛顿股份有限公司继续营业,特此告知。M. & Co. will be continued under the style of James Morton & Company, Limited.

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到了商业街和莫尔顿街之间,他走进了他有时也光顾的一家糖果店。Between Commerce and Morton he went into a candy store where he occasionally traded.

我听了他在莫尔顿自己的教堂讲道后,对他的能力有了初步的了解。I first got an idea of its calibre when I heard him preach in his own church at Morton.

在生活中,莫顿最大的敌人是他自己,他怠慢了生活,生活也因此怠慢他。Often his own worst enemy, Morton wasn't all that good to life, and it wasn't good to him.

硬石餐厅的创办人彼得摩顿控告厄尔,称其偷取硬石的营业计划。Hard Rock creator Peter Morton sued Earl for allegedly purloining Hard Rock business plans.

NOAA的莫顿指出,此次绿潮的始作俑者很有可能是微胞藻类。The algae species responsible for this bloom is most likely Microcystis, NOAA's Morton said.

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动物学家尤金·莫顿提出了一个有关动物发声的概括性理论。Zoologist Eugene Morton has propounded a general theory of the vocal sounds that animals make.

在祝福时,莫顿溜掉了,等他回来时,他和罗马教皇正肩并肩站在一起。During the Benediction, Morton slips away. Sure enough, he reappears—side by side with the pope.

在第一开始的两三天里,莫顿教授和我各自做了一些工作。Professor Morton and I did some work on our own for the first coupleof days and it was fantastic.