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不带这种衬线的字母称作无衬线字母。Alphabets without serifs are called sans serif.

比如说,它应该是一个衬线字体还是一个无衬线字体呢?Should it be a serif or a sans serif for example?

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它们中的大多数是sans-serif字体,也有一部分serif字体。Most of them are sans-serif although there are a few serif options as well.

我喜欢使用线字体的标题和无-线的机构,但仅仅是我。I love to use Serif fonts for the titles and Sans-Serif for the body, but is just me.

一般来说,字体大小应该小于10号,尽量不要使用难以辨认的字体。The font size should be no smaller than 10 point, standard serif or sans serif fonts.

以下的2段,应首先显示在一个衬线字体,然后在一个无衬线字体。The following 2 paragraphs should be displayed first in a serif font, then in a sans-serif font.

帕拉提诺协会是一个21世纪的无衬线字体从主德国设计师赫尔曼察普夫。Palatino Sans is a 21st Century sans serif typeface from the master German designer Hermann Zapf.

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蓝底装饰和白色的无衬线字体增加了一个整洁、现代的感觉。The blue ground illuminates and the white sans serif type adds an uncluttered, contemporary feel.

老式的serif字体往往给人以正规和专业的感觉,而sans-serif字体则既整洁又有现代感。Old style serif fonts tend to fee formal and professional while sans-serif fonts feel modern and clean.

钢制网纹辊特殊处理,印刷均匀,细字清晰稳定。The Gun special processing of the steel system net line, the printing be even and the serif be clear stability.

serif易于阅读,因为字母的装饰吸引读者的眼睛沿着行的方向移动。Serif faces are slightly easier to read because the extensions on the letters draw the reader's eye along the line of print.

印刷设计师们总是倾向于衬线字体,因为这种字体边缘明显,提高可视效果,使字形更容易识别。Print designers have always favored serif fonts because the edges improve visibility and make letterforms easier to recognize.

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有人建议说这是因为这种小号字体使得其他字体在屏幕上显得十分混乱。It has been suggested that this is because the small size of the font causes serif fonts to appear excessively cluttered on the screen.

我实在告诉你们,即使到天地都过去了,律法的一撇或一画,也绝不能过去,直到一切都得成全。For truly I say to you, Until heaven and earth pass away, one iota or one serif shall by no means pass away from the law until all come to pass.

例如,你可以在模板层中放置一个字体的无衬线版本,然后在轮廓层制作这个字体的衬线版本。For example, you can put the sans-serif version of the typeface into the mask layer while you are working on the serif version in the outline layer.

但是,随着越来越多的用户浏览分辨率的提高和字体平滑技术的改进,衬线字体显示正文文本可读性十分良好。But with more users browsing at high resolution and the improvements in font-smoothing technology, serif fonts have become very legible for body text.

我学习写带短截线和不带短截线的印刷字体,根据不同字母组合调整其间距,以及怎样把版式调整得好上加好。I learned about serif and san serif typefaces about varying the amount of space between different letter combinations about what makes great typography great.

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在这门课上,我学会了“serif”和“sans-serif”两种字体、学会了怎样在不同的字母组合中改变字间距、学会了怎样写出好的字来。I learned about serif and sans-serif typefaces, about varying the amount of space between different letter combinations, about what makes great typography great.

由于sans-serifs体通常用于正文,因此人们常常以为设计者们会倾向于使用serif体来强化大标题。While sans-serifs are usually used for body text, it was often considered that designers tend to emphasize the headlines by using serif typefaces to present them.