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高速公?上往南行使的行车道被关闭了。The southbound carriageway of the motorway be closed.

行车道上镶嵌反光路钉,用以划分行车道的边缘或行车。Road studs delineate the edges of a carriageway or the division of traffic lanes.

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两个西班牙年轻人疲累不堪地在一条双车道路边跋涉,这是杰拉多和阿尔弗雷德,他们五个月前从巴塞罗那出发一路步行到耶路撒冷。Two young Spaniards were trudging wearily along the side of the dual carriageway.

绿色路钉则设于毗连让车处及小路的入口车路边缘。Green studs indicate the edge of any part of the carriageway at a road junction, layby or passing place.

介绍日照港煤码头钢栈桥行车道板由钢筋混凝土预制构件代替木材的设计方案和试验情况。The design and test for the replacing material for the carriageway plate of steel jetty in Rizhao Port are presented.

据初步调查,当时沿西九龙公路南行的巴士翻侧。Initial reports said that the bus side-turned when it was travelling along the southbound carriageway of West Kowloon Highway.

朝前不远新路就结束了,但在几英里以外,干道公路转入一条新近建成的双车道。The new road runs out shortly afterwards, but a few miles later the main highway turns into a recently completed dual carriageway.

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在这条维护良好的车道上行至中途,你将看见断壁残垣,它包围着蒙塔纳酒店的废墟,地震时有60人葬身于此。Around halfway up the well-maintained carriageway you reach broken walls, enclosing what is left of the Montana hotel, where 60 people died.

车辆在高速公路匝道提速到每小时60公里以上时,可直接驶入行车道。When a vehicle has increased its speed to more than 60 kilometers per hour on the ramp of an expressway, it may directly enter the carriageway.

90年代末,这条公路改建成为双行车道来重新使用,以避免车辆通过赫恩湾和惠斯泰布尔市区。In the late 1990s, the road was converted into a dual carriageway and redirected to avoid passing through urban areas of Herne Bay and Whitstable.

结果被调查的学生大多数都能够认识到行人闯红灯、乱穿马路、车辆不按车道行驶等是最不文明的交通行为。Results Most of the investigated students thought that going though the red light, jaywalking and not driving on regular carriageway were uncivil behaviors.

立面标记是提醒驾驶人注意,在行车道或近旁有高出路面的构造物,以防止发生碰撞的标记。A three-dimensional mark is designed to remind the drivers there is a structure above the road surface in the carriageway or nearby and they should avoid collision.

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然而,一名高速公路局地发言人说,南向的高速公路仍会保持关闭状态,直到1、4号路口“足够安全”。However, a Highways Agency spokesman said that the southbound carriageway of the motorway would remain shut between junctions one and four "until it is safe to be reopened".

车辆起步后发现后方超越车辆较多时,应沿行进方向缓行,等待时机驶入车行道。After a driver has started up but discovers there are many vehicles overtaking from behind, the driver should move forward slowly and wait for chance to enter the carriageway.

这位23岁的女学生叫焦东芳,她在斯特林城市双行道的外道上引发了后面的交通拥堵,于是两名汽车司机向警方报警。Dongfang Jiao, 23, caused a line of traffic to build up behind her on the outside lane of the urban dual carriageway in Stirling, which led to other motorists calling the police.