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狗朝着行人吠叫。The dog barked at the jogger.

她的父亲吉姆。威尔逊喜欢早起跑步。Her father, Jim Wilson, is a morning jogger.

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昨天,一位慢跑者受到两条罗特韦尔犬的强烈攻击。A jogger was savaged by two Rottweilers yesterday.

所有被试者都被要求跟在一个慢跑者身后进行观察。All were told to run after the jogger and watch him.

慢跑者和跑步者的不同是一张报名表The difference between a jogger and a runner is an entry blank.

一天他慢跑进公园和另一个慢跑撞到他。One day he jogged into the park and another jogger knocked into him.

慢跑者在生态学和地质学之间进行了切析类比。The jogger made an analytical analogy between the ecology and geology.

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爱尔兰看似一位心脏病发作的有节制的慢跑者。Ireland looks like an abstemious jogger that has suffered a heart attack.

一名慢跑者沿着普茨茅斯南海海滨散步广场艰难跑着。A jogger makes his way along the promenade at Southsea seafront, Portsmouth.

本文通过对液压比例技术在卷染机上的应用进行了讨论。The paper discusses the application of of hydraulic proportional technology on jogger.

在我拍这猴群的时候,有几个晨运的人跑过把这些猴子吓得乱乱跳。When I taking this video, some jogger run pass me and scare away all the monkeys. Except the one below.

如果不这样做,就是这种效果!图中的慢跑者看起来马上要向右跑出画面。If you don't, here's what can happen! This jogger looks like she's going to run right out of the picture.

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就像世界上最好的跑车一样,宝贝慢跑公司的产品是采用组装的形式生产制造的。Like the world's most exotic sports cars, Baby Jogger products are manufactured in a staged assembly process.

一位老人坐在公园长椅上号啕大哭,有位年轻人慢跑时经过,就问他出了什么事。An old man is sitting on a park bench crying his eyes out. A young jogger comes by and asks him what is the matter.

我们使用三分法,把主体放置在左下角,给慢跑者在画面中留下大量空间。By placing the subject in the lower-left position, we've used the rule of thirds and given the jogger plenty of room to run within the picture.

一天早晨在公园里,一个慢跑者发现了一个全新的网球。看到周围没有人,他就把它顺进了自己的短裤口袋。While out one morning in the park, a jogger found a brand new tennis ball, and seeing nobody around, he slipped it into the pocket of his shorts.

“研究主题设定为跟着慢跑者跑一段固定的距离,数出慢跑者触摸帽子的次数。”西蒙斯说。"The subject in the study was supposed to follow behind the jogger at a fixed distance and count how many times the jogger touched his hat," Simons says.

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萨科奇定期开展锻炼,是一位狂热的慢跑喜爱者。本月早些时候,人们拍到了他访美期间在纽约的中央公园开展慢跑。Sarkozy exercises regularly and is an avid jogger. Earlier this month, he was photographed jogging through Central Park in New York during his trip to the United States.

最关键的是,研究者们发现当参与者们把精力集中于观察慢跑者手与头接触的次数时,其注意到那场打斗的概率则会大大降低。Crucially, the researchers found that participants were far less likely to notice the fight when they were focusing their attention on how many times the jogger touched his hat.

巴拉克。奥巴马的参议院的一名医生在一封信中提到总统候选人身体很好,写到46岁的奥巴马经常慢跑,身上没有赘肉。A letter from Barack Obama's senate doctor says the presidential candidate is in excellent health, writing that the 46-year-old Obama is a regular jogger with no excess body fat.