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他们看起来真可笑。They look silly.

你这个小笨蛋!You silly twerp!

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但这是很愚蠢的。But that's silly.

我都吓傻了。I was scared silly.

你这大笨蛋!You silly big mutt!

同样很傻。That would be silly.

啊,羞呀,傻孩子!Oh, fie, silly child!

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这是十分愚蠢的。This is pretty silly.

唉,你真笨!Oh, how silly you are.

谁会这幺傻呢?Who would be so silly?

傻毕利喜欢百合花。Silly Billy loves lily.

听上去有些愚蠢It sounds kind of silly.

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我的爱,我的傻孩子。My love, my silly child.

也许蛾艮傻。Perhaps Gen silly moths.

他是个老糊涂。He is a silly old buffer.

他暗笑自己傻气。He laughed himself silly.

它并不愚蠢And it's not a silly idea.

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这样就傻透了。Well, that would be silly.

为什么傻毕利喜欢百合花?Why does Silly Billy lily?

事实证明我只不过是在痴人说梦。But I was just being silly.