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这是张即期汇票。This bill is payable at sight.

向持票人付款的支票。The check is payable to bearer.

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这是见票即付的支票。This check is payable on demand.

应付账款都记录些什么?What does Accountant Payable record?

请问支票受款人是谁,女士?To whom is the check payable , madam?

会计或应付账款相关知识。Accounting or accounts payable knowledge.

同时,确认应纳增值税额。At the same time, confirm the VAT payable.

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应付的赔偿不作以新换旧的扣减。Claim payable without deduction new for old.

应赔付的赔偿不作以新换旧的扣减。Claims payable without deduction new for old.

到期日,是指票据到期或应付款的日期。The date on which a note becomes due and payable.

数据,从应收账款和应付账款。Data from accounts receivable and accounts payable.

控制预付账款和应付账款账期。Control prepayment and Account Payable payment term.

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未拖欠应缴还的财政性资金。It has not delayed to pay the payable financial funds.

指不能归属于应付帐款之款项。Payables that cannot be classified as accounts payable.

需要指定截止日期来预测计薪时间。Thru Date is required in order to Forecast Payable Time.

应付账款指公司欠其供应商的钱。Accounts Payable Money the company owes to its' suppliers.

两个月租金作压金及一个月的预付租金。Two months deposit and one month's rent payable in advance.

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如何计算城市房地产税的应纳税额?How to calculate the amount of Urban Real Estate Tax payable?

股利将于二○○六年九月廿二日发放。The payable date for the dividend will be September 22, 2006.

对红利分配不征收应收预扣税款。There is no withholding tax payable on dividend distribution.