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我涂了胶水。I used glue.

不打,但过去常打。No, but I used to.

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他使用高深的词语。He used lofty terms.

看起来像是用过的,很旧。It looked old, used.

我过去常打保龄球。I used to go bowling.

那是一枚用过的邮票。That is a used stamp.

嗯,人种学,就是这个词。That's the word used.

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文件何处用过?WUF? Where Used File?

你用的帮宝适很好。You used Pampers good.

粪被用做肥料。Dung is used as manure.

他过去常常晚起。He used to get up late.

他以前吸烟吸得很凶。He used to smoke a lot.

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他过去吸烟吸得很凶。He used to smoke a lot.

我过去一向隹在伦敦。I am used to hard word.

我以前喜欢在7号码头滑滑板。I used to skate Pier 7.

我从前常抽烟斗。I used to smoke a pipe.

我过去还投了他的票。I used to vote for him.

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——过去常打,但现在不打了。I used to, but not now.

我已习惯于孤独。I'm used to loneliness.

它曾经是一个集市。It used to be a market.