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那沼泽也应该算是湿地的一种吧?So marshland should also be a kind of wetland.

湿地利用适宜性评价。Wetland suitability assessment for utilizations.

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香港元朗区的湿地公园。The Wetland Park in Yuen Long District of Hong Kong.

辽宁红海滩是一个湿地观光旅游的极好去处。It is a wonderful scenic wetland tourist resort area.

湿地可以保护海岸,防止侵蚀。The wetland can protect the coast , prevent corroding.

湿地水环境系统是一个灰色系统。The wetland water environment system is a grey system.

湿地是东方白鹳赖以生存的栖息地。Wetland is a significant habitat for Ciconia boyciana.

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可见莫莫格湿地的生态环境及功能趋于恶化。The environment and functions of Momoge wetland go worsen.

请问你有没有参加湿地公园定向追踪生态游?Did you join the Eco Treasure Hunt at Hong Kong Wetland Park?

滨海湿地是脆弱的生态敏感区。Coastal wetland is a vulnerable and sensitive ecological area.

因为我属水,性喜潮湿和星空。For I am water by nature, and inhabit in wetland and starry sky.

斐济的湿地是独步天下的,斐济的珊瑚也是曾无与二的。Fiji wetland is come to dominate the, Fiji coral also had no and 2.

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Gyanpel说挽救拉鲁湿地的努力已取得成功。Gyanpel said efforts to rescue the Lalu wetland had been successful.

毛果苔草湿地反射率平均为21。The average ratio of reflectivity of Carex lasiocarpa wetland is 21.

白洋淀湿地是华北地区最大的淡水湖泊。The Baiyangdian wetland is the biggest freshwater lake in North China.

翠绿的湿地在烈日下曝晒干缩成锯齿般干土景观。The lush wetland shrivels to a jig-saw landscape of dried sun-baked mud.

对磷的最大吸收速率最大的是水稻和灯心草。Wetland rice and rush have the highest maximum rate for phosphate uptake.

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九段沙湿地的昆虫群落与植物密度存在着较为显著的相关。The insect community in Jiuduansha wetland is relevant with plant density.

我们是八月初住到这里的,真是很热的一天。We visited the Wetland Park today in early August, a very hot summers day.

嵩明县的嘉丽泽湿地是滇中典型的沼泽湿地。Jialize wetland is one typical marsh in the middle area of Yunnan province.