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实际上这篇文献没有末世论。In fact,this text is not at all eschatological.

这里的对照有历史性,末世性的意义。The contrast is historical and eschatological in its scope.

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可是两者的末世观并不相同。But the two eschatological points of view are not identical.

圣灵的救赎工作,本质上是末世性的。Redemptive work of the Holy Spirit is inherently eschatological.

我们同样看到律法与福音的末世对比。We see the same eschatological contrast between the law and the gospel.

无千禧年派比较正确理解基督的末世王权。A- millennial does better justice to the eschatological kingship of Christ.

商店和购物因此也就获得了一个完全且真实的末世论的维度。Shops and shopping acquire thereby a fully and truly eschatological dimension.

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信徒与基督同复活的经历,是末世事件中最基本的事实。No more fundamental eschatological reality than the experience of resurrection.

我们从这里看到一个视角﹕更能帮助我们提出需要思想的、正确的问题。We have here a perspective for better defining the right questions in our eschatological debate.

救恩是末世性的,由于它讲到从审判中被拯救,进入最后的荣耀里。Salvation is eschatological inasmuch as it entails deliverance from judgment to final glorification.

我的看法是,安息日主要是一个末世的记号,其次才是神治国度的戳印。In my view, the Sabbath is primarily an eschatological sign, and only secondarily a theocratic stamp.

当美国还被面向未来的末世紧张情绪促使着创造历史的时候,欧洲已经有了自己的历史。It has a history, whereas America is still making history, animated by an eschatological tension toward the future.

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别尔嘉耶夫则从末世论的角度讨论基督教世界必定是一个恩典的历史,人类历史需要一个救世主。The Christian eschatological perspective must be a grace in the world history, the history of mankind needs a Messiah.

相反地,不信的人没有这个末世成全的应许,因此他们没有义务遵守这个记号。Conversely, since unbelievers have no promise of eschatological consummation, they have no obligation to observe the sign thereof.

亚当不顺服神,未能完成治理全地的任务,因此,进入末世安息的盼望就被剥夺了。Adam disobeyed God, his dominion work was not completed, and the hope of entering the eschatological Sabbath was seemingly taken away.

加拉太书充满了末世的对比,我们看到属肉体的旧世代与属灵的新世代的对比。Eschatological contrasts dominate Galatians, so that we have a contrast between the old age of the flesh and the new age of the Spirit.

较为自由的基督教神学家会倾向于较少用文字意义象征来解释以利亚的末世论。Christian theologians of a more liberal persuasion would tend to interpret Elijah's eschatological significance in a less literal sense.

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经历并享受此安息日的意义,比起被塔木德的细目所烧尽更为重要,也更有益处。Experiencing and enjoying this eschatological significance of the Sabbath is far more important, and beneficial, than becoming consumed with Talmudic details.

面对20世纪人类在发展过程中遇到的灾难,劳伦斯逐渐形成了自己独特的末世论思想。D·H·Lawrence gradually formulated his unique eschatological thought in confrontation with the human calamity in the process of development in the 20th century.

末世论本身所具有的摧毁与催生的二元悖反律又赋予了劳伦斯思想巨大的危机意识和拯救理念。The antinomy of the eschatological thought itself in destruction and production attributes active consciousness of redemption and social crisis to his thought.