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你敢光屁股净身到国外试试?Do you dare to go abroad to try naked bidet?

那就试试奢侈的日本坐浴盆厕所吧。TheJapanese bidet toilet is quite a luxury item.

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即使我不断的告诉老人们这个做浴盆对便秘有好处。Though I keep telling older people that the bidet helps with constipation.

我们要采购浴盆,厕所,非电动浴盆,价格低廉,卫生洁具。We want to buy Bidet , Toilet, Non Electric Bidet , Low Price, Sanitary Sanitaryware.

我们五人都站着看那只坐浴盆,只见盆里水中漂着两截极粗的大便。The five of us are standing there looking at the bidet . There are two enormous turds floating in the water.

另外,一种通用的坐浴装置将会使高田贤三的盥洗产品系列更加完善。A universal bidet fitting option also is available to complete the Kenzo collection's full line of lavatory products.

我们的主要产品包括卫生间,洗脸盆,浴盆,柜,小便器,水龙头,浴缸和其他浴室配件。Our main products include toilet, washbasin, bidet , cabinet, urinal, faucet, bathtub and other bathroom accessories.

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本公司提供各类卫浴产品,包括花洒,坐便器,洗手盆,水龙头等。We supply sanitary ware such as toilet and bidet , basin, sink, public toilet, bathtub, stainless steel sink, faucets.

鸨儿站在坐浴盆旁,气得唾沫星子乱飞,两个姑娘也站在那儿,手里捏着毛巾。The madam is standing by the bidet , fuming and spitting. The girls are standing there too, with towels in their hands.

然后利用电脑生成并不含蓄的动画,商家演示了这个浴盆如何工作原理。Then, using computer-generated animation that's short on subtlety, the commercial demonstrates how the bidet function works.

法国人曾以发明坐浴盆、以及普及公共厕所而著称,如今,他们又可以因为可生物降解的“便携厕所”而让人称赞了。The French have been credited with inventing the bidet and popularising pissoirs or public urinals, and now they can add the biodegradable and portable toilet to their name.

古典风格主浴室的特点是“景观浴缸”和意大利大理石台面的双槽洗手枱,以及白灰石陶瓷砖的坐澡盆。正宗复古式墙板和橱柜。The vintage style master bath features a "tub with a view" and two sinks with italian marble countertops and limestone tile with bidet. Authentic vintage wall panels and cabinets.

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她领我走上通常是陡峭的楼梯,还有向来为某位可能并不介意撞上其他先生的先生清场的铃声,凄惨地爬到那间鄙陋的屋子,只有床铺和坐浴盆。She led me up the usual steep stairs, with the usual bell clearing the way for the monsieur who might not care to meet another monsieur, on the mournful climb to the abject room, all bed and bidet.