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要击败这部1770年的自动国际象棋机似乎不太可能。It was nearly impossible to beat this chess-playing automaton of 1770.

自动论编译程序单词识别论。Automaton theory is a basic theory of compile routine for identifying words.

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运用元胞自动机模型研究单车道路面上设立限速区对交通流的影响。Effect of limited velocity on traffic flow is studied with cellular automaton.

该计划的主要骨干,“自动机”,管理系统的状态。The main back-bone of the program, the "automaton", manages the state of the system.

但是为了提高效率,最好使用确定性有限自动机。Yet for increased efficiency, it is best to work with deterministic finite automaton.

CA核作成一维二态三邻接单元自动机的结构。The CA core is composed of a one-dimension, two-state, three-proximity cell automaton.

这部自动机的庞杂使马亚二代的建构与测试成为一大挑战。The sheer size of this automaton made building and testing MAYA-II an enormous challenge.

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最后,我们还会开发自动机与环境间联系的其他方法。And finally, we are exploring alternative means of linking the automaton to its environment.

为了在计算机中实现模型的自动机表示,选用了PROLOG语言。PROLOG language is selected in order to realize the automaton representation of model in computer.

一种大自然赐予的柔软而强健的玩物,专供人在家里诸事不顺的时候踢上两脚。A soft, indestructible automaton provided by nature to be kicked when things go wrong in the domestic circle.

如果真是那样,那他就是想借这部电影来证明一下,从早期电影中只知目无表情地搏斗到现在,自己有了多少的进步。If so, he's chosen one that shows just how far he's come from the spin-kicking automaton of his earliest films.

构建了适用于在线公交车站车辆运行的一维慢启动多元胞自动机仿真模型。One-dimension slow-to-start multi-cellular automaton model of the bus running in the on-line stop is presented.

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本文采用元胞自动机与多智能体相结合的方法探索城市生态用地演变规律。This article combines the cellular automaton and multi-agent to explore the rule of Urban Ecological Land evolution.

只要将“机器人”与“猎象枪”组合起来,那些高级技术专家就能创造出所向披靡的“机械枪手”!By combining the Automaton with an Elephant Gun, the advanced Technologist can create the unstoppable Automaton Gunner!

老吴说自从1986年开始造机器人,给家里带来了沉重的经济负担。Mr. Wu said financing his automaton hobby was a huge burden on his family. Since he started building robots in 1986, Mr.

在分析经典一维单车道元胞自动机模型的基础上,提出了改进FI模型的TPFI模型。Based on the analysis of one dimension and one lane cell automaton model, we present a TPFI model improved on the FI model.

人是有意识的自动机,其整个活动,心理以及生理,取决于材料的前因。Man is a conscious automaton whose whole activity , mental as well as physiological, is determined by material antecedents.

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讨论了FHP细胞自动机流体运动方程并导出方程中三项的表示式。The hydrodynamics equation for FHP cellular automaton fluid models is discussed, and the formula of in the equation is derived.

活动细胞,基于由英国数学家约翰霍顿康威在1970年设计的一个细胞自动机。Live Cell, also known simply as Life, is a cellular automaton devised by the British mathematician-John Horton Conway in 1970. 1.

这个版本仍然让自动机先下在中央格,但亨利可以下在八格中的任一格。The automaton still goes first and claims the middle square, but Harry the human can then take any of the remaining eight squares.