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宙斯是克洛诺斯之子。Kronos is the son of Zeus.

随着时间科隆纳斯手段在希腊,外观线需要永恒的。As Kronos means time in Greek, the look of the line needed to be timeless.

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幸好,一间在加利福尼亚叫科隆诺斯的公司决定解决这个问题。Fortunately, a California company called Kronos decided to tackle this problem.

瑞亚生了许多子女,但每个孩子一出生就被克洛诺斯吃掉。Liberia gave birth to many children, but every child born on a Kronos been eaten.

所以客户果断地决定购买安克诺斯产品来保护服务器。So the customer resolutely decided to buy an Kronos products to protect the server.

在客户了解了安克诺斯产品之后,对产品很感兴趣。After the customer understand an Kronos products, the products are of great interest.

在那里,科隆诺斯已很快成为其中一个最受欢迎的头发护理系统。Already, Kronos has quickly become one of the most talked about hair care systems out there.

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在神话传说中,对伊米尔死后的描绘与克罗诺斯极为相似。In mythic legends, the depiction of the dead Ymir is quite similar to that of the dead Kronos.

于是,宙斯躲过一劫,他被送到克洛诺斯的姐姐宁芙女神那里抚养。As a result, Zeus escape, he was sent to the Kronos sister nymphs, where custody of the goddess.

她用布裹住一块石头慌称这是新生的婴儿,克洛诺斯将石头一口吞下肚里。Muffle her with a piece of cloth stones fear that this is the new-born baby, Kronos swallowed goes to a rock.

想知道你现在能省多少钱,请点击访问产品在Dermstore.com的网页。To learn just how much you can currently save, click here to visit the Kronos products page at

我们与KRONOS紧密合作了多年,很高兴我们在其持续增长过程中扮演着重要的角色。We have worked closely with KRONOS for many years and are pleased to play a key role in its continued growth.

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就在奎托斯走出了失魂沙漠的时候,他发现了一个号角并且吹响了号角,这让克罗诺斯开始爬向他。As Kratos made his way past the Desert of Lost Souls, he finds a horn and blows through it, causing Kronos to begin crawling toward him.

克洛诺斯是时间的创力和破坏力的结合体,他的父母是天神乌拉诺斯和地神盖亚,他的妻子是掌管岁月流逝的女神瑞亚。Kronos is the time and a destructive combination of his parents is a god to god Uranus and Gaia, his wife is in charge of the passage of time goddess of Liberia.

霍尼韦尔为KRONOS提供了20年的技术及顾问工作。霍尼韦尔公司的解决方案目前使用于KRONOS在加拿大、比利时和德国的工厂。Honeywell has provided KRONOS with technology and consultancy for 20 years. Honeywell's solutions are currently used in KRONOS facilities in Canada, Belgium and Germany.

勒沃库森11月29日消息——霍尼韦尔公司将升级在德国勒沃库森KRONOS工厂的过程控制技术,以增加该工厂的效率及降低营运成本。LEVERKUSEN, Germany, Nov. 29, 2007 – Honeywell will upgrade process control technology at a KRONOS plant in Leverkusen, Germany, to increase the site's efficiency and reduce operating costs.