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命运之神是人世间恩惠的主宰,不能支配自然的相貌。Fortune reigns in gifts of the world, not in lineament of nature.

她有着锦绣的轮廓,她的头发是金黄色的,轻轻地飘荡在她的后背中心。She has a beautiful lineament and golden hair which is gently floating on her back.

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在地形复杂地区利用高分辨率SPOT影像进行线性构造解译。On the basis of lineament interpretation of High-resolution SPOT image in complex terrain region.

利用统计结果,并结合矿区地质资料,对线性构造分布规律进行分析与评价。Based on the statistical results, and combination of geological data, This are used in analysis and evaluation of lineament distribution.

采用人脸粗检、边缘检测、区域连通性滤波等方法。The methods of face rough extracting, edging detecting and section connectivity filtering are presented to extract facial curvilinear lineament.

文中着重介绍利用,SPOT高分辨率卫星图像进行地质填图,探讨图像上构造形迹的组合型式及其与地下深部储油构造的关系。In the paper, the geological mapping utilizing SPOT image is presented, and lineament pattern and its relationship with subsurface gas-bearing structure is discussed.

采用多种数值图像进行线性构造解译,其中DEM和NOAA主要用于区域尺度,TM用于勘探区尺度,地面磁法数据用于靶区范围的解译分析。On the basis of lineament interpretation of DEM, TM, NOAA and ground magnetics, this study suggests that lineaments spatially coupled with gold deposits distribution.

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文中重点介绍了乌拉尔—阿曼巨型线性构造带和阿尔卑斯大陆碰撞带的影像特征和地质意义。In this paper, we put emphasis on the introduction of the image characteristics and geological significance of Urals-Oman giant lineament and Alps continental collision.

本文采用图像平滑、边缘跟踪、霍夫变换、逆霍夫变换等综合图像处理的技术,从卫星TM图像中提取线性体信息。This paper has demonstrated the possibility of developing algorithms to extract lineament information from Landsat TM imagery. We made Use of image smoothing. edge tracing.

例如,由宽下巴和上扬的眉峰等组成的男性化面部特征会让人觉得不友好、不愿意合作。For example, the alignment of manly traits, colossal chins, and dominating lineament ridges tin build one impression of disagreeableness and being unwilling apt cooperate, Little said.