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这头猪鬃毛直立。The hog bristled up.

他像猪一样贪婪。He is greedy like a hog.

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为了世界拿起杀猪刀。Hog Butcher for the world.

它想成为一只肉猪。Hes making a hog of himself.

猪穿甲胄仍是猪。A hogin armour is still a hog.

我希望你不要煲电话粥。I wish you wouldn't hog the phone.

现代人的大脑是个能量的“贪吃鬼”。The modern brain is an energy hog.

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因为它想成为一只肉猪。Because he is making a hog of himself.

要是着手干的话,我们就干到底。If we start it, we shall go the whole hog.

我们一旦开始干,就应该干到底。Once we start, we should go the whole hog.

这道菜是阉猪肉做的,你尝尝鲜。This dish is made of hog meat, have a try!

一个横冲直闯的司机把史密斯车挤到沟里去了。A road hog forced Smith's car into the ditch.

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他那套华丽服饰穿在身上好像猪穿盔甲似的。He carried all his finery like a hog in armor.

一只野猪在纽约州的一处临时畜栏里。A feral hog in a holding pen in New York state.

水轮发电机炉是在床上的猪锅炉。The hydro grates are on the bed of a hog boiler.

养猪场,Manzanar搬迁中心,加利福尼亚州。Hog farm, Manzanar Relocation Center, California.

一长串的车子无法超越那个挡道的汽车驾驶。A long line of car is unable to pass that road hog.

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我能像男人一样狠狠地宰猪并收拾干净。I can kill and clean a hog as mercilessly as a man.

我要自己煮个猪肠跟猪肚来吃。I'm gonna cook me up some chitterlings and hog maw.

在新加坡,路猪经常被开罚单。In Singapore, a road hog gets a ticket every offen.