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这说明通货紧缩在快速进行着。This suggests that disinflation is proceeding rapidly.

在消费逆转和汇率变化之后,第三个“新标准”是反通胀。The third "new normal" condition, after shifts in consumption and exchange rates, is disinflation.

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假设全球复苏仍在正轨上,这一波反通膨趋势可能会在明年初退散.Assuming the global recovery remains on track, this bout of disinflation will probably dissipate by early next year.

目前的问题不在于我们是否有工具来支持经济增长和防御通缩。The issue at this stage is not whether we have the tools to help support economic activity and guard against disinflation.

在美国,时任美联储主席的保罗·沃尔克设计了一套抑制通胀的长期措施,并从1979年起成功实行。At the United States Federal Reserve, Paul Volcker engineered a sustained and successful process of disinflation beginning in 1979.

假定名义汇率不变,那么这种调整将体现为新兴经济体的通胀和主要发达经济体的通缩。If nominal exchange rates do not change, the adjustment will come through inflation in emerging economies and disinflation in major advanced economies.

这种方法反映了通货紧缩可以在短期内达到,但失业的大量增加或者失业获得长期的小幅度的失业人口的增加。This approach implies that disinflation can be achieved by a short run but large increase in unemployment, or by a longer and smaller increase in unemployment.

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DiClemente称,"在这样的背景下,近期通胀前景依旧良好受控,更大的风险是,反通胀趋势可能仍然惊人.""Against this backdrop, the near-term inflation outlook remains very well grounded and there are greater risks that disinflation tendencies could still surprise," said DiClemente.

但政府反通货膨胀计划的失败使人们大失所望,从而要求实施收入政策的呼声变得势不可挡。The question was whether the administration's disinflation program would be seen to be succeeding before disappointment with its failure made the demand for income policy irresistible.

在这个时刻,通胀意外上升或明显下滑的风险都很低,当然,联储局也将加强对物价势态发展的监督。At this juncture, the risk of either an undesirable rise in inflation or of significant further disinflation seems low. Of course, the Federal Reserve will monitor price developments closely.