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这瑰,指的就是像玉一样的石头。"Gui" refers to jade-like rocks.

安娜被连哄带骗的与王贵结婚了。Reluctantly, unwillingly, Anna marries Wang Gui.

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我们将提供全图形界面图和月台幕门。We will provide the whole GUI diagrams and PSDs.

最令人神往的是妫河漂流。What most fires imagination is the Gui river drift.

而服务器版是不安装GUI的。With the server version, there is no GUI installed.

是图形用户界面,,But,GUI,,graphical,user,interface,,kind,of,said,两种都需要使用VB才能实现。GUI a graphical user interface, two using Visual Basic.

如果说有一种工具非常需要GUI,那就是FFMPEG。If there's one tool that badly needs a GUI it's FFMPEG.

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图形化用户界面已经进化到和日常用品一样了。GUI interfaces have evolved to resemble everyday objects.

为GUI创建二段式创建模式,什么意思?这个方法在什么时候使用的呢?Create the GUI part of the Window for 2-phase creation mode.

因此,桂剧与旅游的联姻成为可能。So, Tt become possible to marry between Gui opera and tourism.

桂平的风景,山水都是极其美好的。The landscape, mountains, and lakes in Gui Ping were stunning.

以日记的形式记录了贵图子珍贵的灵感创作!Record the inspirational creations of Gui Tuzi in form of diary.

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桂林是个有山有水的地方。Gui Lin is a place where there are gorgeous mountains and rivers.

以养殖黄颡鱼为主,丁桂鱼为辅。Huang Sang fish is to culture-based, supplemented by Ding Gui fish.

其他的GUI终端仿真器到做的相同,但大多数情况下不这样做。Other GUI terminal emulators may do the same, but most tend not to.

这些命令行选项将会盖掉您原来在图形介面下的选项。The command line options will override the choices made in the GUI.

例如,烧伤等所用的镇痛软膏中就含有当归。For example, Dang Gui is found in balms to help with burns and such.

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贵州省大学生心理健康教育研究。II. The current psychological health of college students in Gui Zhou.

刚汇报完,桂元拿着地道设计图走进来。Just after the report, Gui Yuan took the tunnel design plans to come.

并给出真前缀标记树的一种GUI表现方式。A representation form for marked proper-prefixed tree in GUI is given.