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她在音乐方面成就出众。She distinguished herself in music.

她在艺术方面成就出众。She distinguished herself in the arts.

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我们把他待为上宾。We treat him as a distinguished guest.

兰泊卫浴,尊贵您的卫浴生活!LANBOR, distinguished your bath living!

我们看了一部名演员联合演出的电影。We saw a film with a distinguished cast.

应将哭闹与疝痛相区别。Crying should be distinguished from colic.

各位使节及使团同事,各位来宾,女士们,先生们Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen

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看它的红嘴就可以辨认出是雄的。The male is distinguished by its red beak.

他作为一名大律师而闻名。He distinguished himself as a great lawyer.

该法官对许多案件进行辨析。The judge distinguished between many cases.

美容会所的贵宾卡!Cosmetology office distinguished guest card!

让我们为贵宾们干杯。Let's look towards our distinguished guests.

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托玛斯·哈代是英国的杰出诗人。Thomas Hardy is a British distinguished poet.

乾燥玫瑰与草也超美。Dry roses and grasses are distinguished , too.

请允许我向你们介绍我们的新会长。Allow me to introduce our distinguished guests.

他穿上订制的西服显得气度不凡。He looks distinguished in his custom-made suit.

很多名人都出身于贫民区。Many distinguished men have emerged from slums.

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康纳博士在生物领域很出色。Dr. Connor was distinguished in biology spheres.

他有杰出的职业生涯和诺贝尔奖.。He had a distinguished career and a Nobel Prize.

他是一家名门望族的始祖。He was the progenitor of a distinguished family.