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城堡里布满了诸多斗武士精兵。And many a warrior-peopled citadel.

或哪个静静的堡寨山村。Or mountain-built with peaceful citadel.

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Kalasa城堡遗址的现代雕像。Modern sculpture in Kalasa Citadel ruins.

最重要的的是,Citadel希望把2008年永远甩在身后。Most of all, Citadel wants to leave 2008 in the past.

他告诉你在公爵城堡外再见后就跑掉了。He asks you to meet him in the Ducal Citadel and runs off.

希特勒的反应是把更多的师和空军联队拨归“城堡”行动使用。Hitler's response was to commit more and air wings to Citadel.

联邦和帝国的堡垒是攻不破的。The citadel of the Commonwealth and Empire could not be stormed.

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‘城堡’内的节能将成为重点关注的焦点。A high focus will be placed on energy efficiency inside the Citadel.

他在被称为“城堡”行动的一次大规模的劳而无功的战役中阵亡。He died for Germany in the gigantic and futile operation called Citadel.

东圣路易中学,事实上是一个足球王朝的堡垒。East St. Louis High School, in fact, is the citadel of a football dynasty.

在3月6日这天,经过了长达13天的包围相峙之后,墨西哥人对要塞发起猛攻。On March 6, after thirteen days of siege, the Mexicans stormed the citadel.

让我们去阿尔戈斯一起建立一个从来没有过强大的城堡。Let us go to Argos and upon it we shall build a citadel like none seen before.

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然而到了2008年7月,Citadel首次遭遇了连续六个月亏损。But in July 2008, Citadel endured the first of six straight money-losing months.

我将会在时机降临时加入攻打冰冠城塞的最后一战。I will join in the assault upon Icecrown Citadel when the time to strike upon us.

城堡基金如果清偿资产,支付投资者时,其亏损会更大。If Citadel liquidated assets to pay out to investors, losses would be even greater.

政府出于盲目的偏见,意图铲平一个明显的文化堡垒。Out of blind prejudice, the government is razing what's clearly a cultural citadel.

这个堡垒已经有差不多1000年时间不对外开放了,但现在它是半公开的。The citadel had been closed to the public for almost 1,000 years, but is now semi-open.

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另外一个在南部的公立军事院校是卡罗莱纳洲南部查尔斯顿市的西特朵军校。Another public military college in the south is the Citadel in Charleston, South Carolina.

“蔚蓝之槌”指挥部和阿纳克斯堡垒这两个单位直接听命于他直到雅汶之战爆发。Azure Hammer Command and the Anaxes Citadel would answer to him until the Battle of Yavin.

直到1937年,美国钢铁公司仍然是大规模工业中反对工会的堡垒。United States Steel remained the citadel of anti-unionism in the mass industries until 1937.