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女人的音感比男人好。Women have rounder hips than men.

他是一个的酒鬼的儿子,名叫韦斯利。He was a rounder 's son named Westley.

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这只蛋比一岸裟鹅蛋要小一点,圆一点。It was smaller and rounder than a goose's egg ought to be.

我需要一个全圆的智能和热情来管理网站。I need an all rounder smart and enthusiastic to manage the website.

但金桂花粉粒要比四季桂稍微圆一点。O. fragrans cv Jingui is a little rounder than O. fragrans cv Sijigui.

他们都叫我雪球,可是人家的头明明比雪球更圆啦!They all call me snowball, but I think my head is rounder than the snowball!

刘海会在视觉上使你的脸变宽,使它看上去比实际更圆更肉。They visually widen the face, making it look rounder and fuller than it really is.

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刘海。刘海会在视觉上使你的脸变宽,使它看上去比实际更圆更肉。Bangs. They visually widen the face, making it look rounder and fuller than it really is.

玻璃管又细又长,底部的贮液槽则又胖又圆。在19世纪早期,这样的温度计更加普遍。The glass tube is long and thin, the reservoir at the base is a little fatter and rounder.

丛林象与比它们大的草原亲戚相比它们的象牙更直,耳朵更圆。Forest elephants have straighter tusks and rounder ears than their larger, savanna-dwelling cousins.

现年23岁的他,比早期在费城的时候看上去又发胖了一些。The 23-year-old looked a little rounder than he did in his early years out in Philidelphia yesterday.

这是一个很好的烟草对于那些渴望品尝直接维吉尼亚烟草的烟客而言。This is a fine tobacco for those who crave a taste somewhat rounder that that of a straight Virginia.

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我倾向于使用更圆的气球,用不同的姿势拿起球来巧妙地处理最终效果。I tend to use rounder balloons, holding the balloons in different positions to manipulate the outcome.

其他包括团体,全能艺术家表演的克里奥尔语和路易斯安那州的凯郡文化的音乐。Other Rounder artists include groups that perform the music of the Creole and Cajun cultures of Louisiana.

为了保持速度,在坡越陡、弯越圆的情况下,第二、三阶段的轨迹越短。The steeper the slope and rounder the turn, the shorter phases-II and III have to be in order to maintain speed.

对圆形或流线型的物体来说,形状图子要比不规则的或棱角分明的结构物或部件小得多。The shape factor is less for rounder or streamlined objects than for irregular or sharp-edged structures or elements.

被称为“中央肥胖”的“大肚腩”者比单纯的体重超标者患病的几率更大。And people who have rounder stomachs, known as "central obesity", are more at risk than people who are merely overweight.

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每种鸟都呈现了比仅一年前更大和更圆的尺寸,羽毛的色彩也更鲜艳夺目。Each species of bird appear larger and rounder in size than only a year ago, and the color of the feathers is more vibrant.

当然没有哪个人实际上跟数据上显示的平均值完全一样,所以当你重些或轻些、肚子圆些或平些,你也不必烦恼。Of course no one actually is the statistically average woman so don’t fret if you’re heavier or lighter or rounder or squarer.

当然没有哪个人实际上跟数据上显示的平均值完全一样,所以当你重些或轻些、肚子圆些或平些,你也不必烦恼。Of course no one actually is the statistically average woman, so don’t fret if you’re heavier or lighter or rounder or squarer.