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我的手肿起来。My hand was swollen.

你的脚肿了吗?Is your foot swollen?

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脸都肿了。Your face is swollen.

我的脚还肿呢。I also have a swollen foot.

你怎么脸都肿起来呢?。Why is your face all swollen?

要是被人说黑妞肿么办?If being swollen black girl do?

牙龈变红和肿起。The gums become red and swollen.

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她的眼皮都哭肿了。Her eyes were swollen from crying.

现在恐怕不行,四周的牙龈还肿着。I'm afraid not. The gum is swollen.

血红根被用于肿胀的淋巴结。Bloodroot is used for swollen lymph.

她的眼睛布满血丝,都哭肿了。Her eyes were bloodshot and swollen.

你的手臂因感染已肿起来了。Your arm has swollen by inflammation.

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被虫咬了,我的腿肿了起来。Bitten by a bug,my leg became swollen.

你可以出疹子和腺体肿胀。You may get a rash and swollen glands.

由于牙痛,他的脸都肿起来了。His face was swollen up with toothache.

眼泪从漏底的眼睛流到浮肿的鼻子。Maudlin from leaky eye to swollen nose.

雪融河涨。The river has swollen with melted snow.

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为什么我的眼袋总是肿肿的?Why is my pouch always swollen swollen?

他的脸肿得无法形容。His face was swollen beyond description.

我的牙龈肿得很历害,我不能吃东西。My gums are so swollen that I can't eat.