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为什么把它印在了有机玻璃上?Why did you print it on Plexiglas?

用了有机玻璃价格就会更高。It would drive the price higher with the Plexiglas.

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防止碎石片损坏车灯,有一个坚固的有机玻璃头灯罩。Prevent stone-chip damage, with a tough Plexiglas headlamp cover.

向下的一数字钟滴嗒声,和后它是一扇大的有机玻璃窗子。A digital clock ticks down, and behind it is a large Plexiglas window.

一个三公分的树脂玻璃插座让你觉得喇叭似乎能轻盈架在空中。A 3 cm thick plexiglas socket lets you feel that the main body of the speaker levitates.

我发明了普列克斯玻璃写字板,这样我在水下就可以记下那些想法。I've created a Plexiglas writing pad so that I can stay underwater and record these ideas.

我发明了普列克斯玻璃写字板,这样我就可以在水下记下我的那些想法。I' ve created a Plexiglas writing pad so that I can stay underwater and record these ideas.

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机会一直在闪现,我为夏威夷海军海底中心研发了一种承载双人的树脂玻璃潜艇。Opportunity never stopped. For the Navy Undersea Center Hawaii I help develop a two-man Plexiglas submarine.

每个职员的工作台都被直接切割进这个木质结构的台面中,工作台上还覆盖了一个树脂玻璃做的穹顶形“电话庭”。Each individual workplace is incised into the wooden upper surface and covered by a “telephone’-dome in Plexiglas.

他觉得自己象上帝一样,象一个掌握生死大权的罗马皇帝。He felt like a god, like a Roman emperor with the power of fatality in his thumb. The rat scrabbled at the Plexiglas.

用透明有机玻璃模型对高大型铸件阶梯式浇注系统进行了水力学模拟的研究。A water medie made of transparent plexiglas was used to investigate the step-gate system of the high and large casting.

对水平钢管和有机玻璃管内油气水三相流动的摩擦压降特性进行了比较和研究。Frictional pressure drops of gas-oil-water flows in a horizontal steel pipe and in a Plexiglas pipe were measured and compared.

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控制柜带有控制面板安装与一个易于观测的角度并覆盖有有机玻璃保护盖。The cabinet incorporates a control panel mounted in an easy viewing angle and covered with a protective Plexiglas swing open lid.

经由混凝土和钢结构加固的树脂玻璃墙壁和水泡形的穹顶,会让游客一览鱼类和其它海洋生物的美景。Reinforced by concrete and steel, its Plexiglas walls and bubble-shaped dome ceilings offer sights of fish and other sea creatures.

细胞培养室能很方便与气动肌腱连接,产生持续的脉冲张力作用。The culture chamber made from Plexiglas was transparent and provided continuous pulses of tensile force controllable and measurable.

学生们帮忙在学校附近的教堂设立一个树脂玻璃蜂箱,并设计一系列要蜜蜂来解答的智力测验。The students helped set up a Plexiglas bee hutch in a church near the school, and designed a series of puzzles for the bees to solve.

我们以无紫外线照射和紫外线照射的两种环境,测试母鱼和公鱼的配对反应。We measured female visual responses to paired males placed, alternately, behind UV-blocking and UV-transmitting Plexiglas partitions.

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您还可以两个熏有机玻璃板,阻止压力表面临这样,当它们被关闭,你只能看到空白衡量开口。You also get two smoked Plexiglas plates that block the gauges faces so that when they are turned off, you see only blank gauge openings.

外形不锈钢包装、工作室有机玻璃全开全闭的新型结构明亮透视,清除杂物无死角。Stainless steel appearance package, the whole studio full-closed Plexiglas structure of a bright new perspective, clear debris without dead ends.

用于检测磁钉的磁尺由8个磁阻传感器直线固定在有机玻璃板上组成。The magnetic rulers detecting the magnetic markers are consisted of 8 magnetoresistive sensors which are fastened straightly on a plexiglas plate.