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我也是个律师。I'm a lawyer too.

他开始了律师的生涯。He began as a lawyer.

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她已经离开那个律师。She’d left the lawyer.

你会给你的律师打电话吗?Do you call your lawyer?

马上给律师打电话。Phone the lawyer at once.

不愿成为舞蹈家、律师或司仪。A dancer, a lawyer or an MC.

他渴望成为一名律师。He aspired to become a lawyer.

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那个律师又高又壮。The lawyer is tall and strong.

该律师经手承办这宗案件。The lawyer undertook the case.

他被培养成一名状师。he was trained to be a lawyer.

他是一位很有才干的法学家。He was a very competent lawyer.

就在这时,律师插话了。Just then, the lawyer piped up.

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那个律师又高又壮。That lawyer is tall and strong.

作者是一名退休律师。叶琦保译。The writer is a retired lawyer.

这个律师是个干练的家伙。A lawyer who was a tough cookie.

任何一位好律师都能帮他脱罪。Any good lawyer can get him off.

我的儿媳妇是个律师。My daughter-in-law is an lawyer.

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你需要打小通达给你的状师吗?。do you need to call your lawyer?

后来,道森先生成了一名律师。Later Mr. Dawson became a lawyer.

现在尤瑟夫的女儿是一名律师。Now Yusuf’s daughter is a lawyer.