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还有股票清偿There's also liquidation.

我们来说说清偿,或者公司的销售Let me mention liquidation or sale of company.

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他接办了一家行将破产的老公司。He had taken over an old company verging on liquidation.

其次对清算义务人这一主体的权利与义务进行了探讨。Part 2 analyses the rights and duties of liquidation obligors.

第三十四条行政清理期限一般不超过12个月。Article 34 Time limit of administrative liquidation is 12 months.

公司的解散事由与清算办法。The reasons for dissolution of the company and liquidation methods.

清算优先权和反稀释条款有多重要?How important are liquidation preferences and anti-dilution clauses?

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我们也收购了一些已倒闭或破产的网络资产?We also have acquired internet assets that are in liquidation or bankruptcy.

第一部分为非破产清算的实践及其理论困惑。Part I, is about the practice and theory perplexity in non-bankruptcy liquidation.

这一企业债务重组或全部清偿的过程或许要历时数年。This process of corporate debt restructuring or outright liquidation may take years.

把你的经历节省到其他条款上吧,比如清算优先权和反向特别保护权。Save your energy for other terms, such as liquidation preferences and reverse vesting.

这意味着少数股股东必须赞成公司的出售或清算。This means that minority shareholders must agree to a sale or liquidation of a company.

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合夥企业解体和停止经营的过程称为清算。The process of breaking up and discontinuing a partnership business is called liquidation.

托管人负责所托管保险资金股票投资交易的清算与交收。Custodians shall be responsible for liquidation and settlement of stock investment trading.

SNC在客户的SNC外汇保证金的监测上显示客户的清算水平。SNC graphically shows the Customer's Liquidation Level on the Customers SNC Margin Monitor.

他说,如果它们以清算结束,其社会和经济影响将是巨大的。The social and economic consequences if they end up in liquidation would be grave, he says.

清盘开始之后清盘人将会接管公司的一切财产以及业务。Upon liquidation the liquidator will take control over all the company's assets and affairs.

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公司解散和非破产清算法律制度是公司法制中的一项基本制度。Dissolving and non-bankruptcy liquidation are basic systems in the legal system of a company.

钻井政策“漏洞”,不及时清算土地增值税。Four, drilling policy "loopholes" and not to the timely liquidation of land value increment tax.

顾名思义,清算优先权意思是风投从一笔交易中拿回最初的投资。As the name implies, a liquidation preference means that a VC gets the first money out of a deal.