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空罐子也还是个防碎的储蓄罐。A spare jug makes a shatterproof change jar, too.

我的单向玻璃制成的,希望我是防碎。I'm made of one-way glass, wish I was shatterproof.

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弹性屏幕可实现轻量化、防破碎。Flexible screens will be lightweight and shatterproof.

英国政府于上周四高调推出一种防碎玻璃酒杯。The UK government proudly unveiled a shatterproof pint glass on Thursday.

“有弹性意味着它是轻质的,防破碎的,耐用的。”“What flexible does mean is that it is lightweight, shatterproof and rugged.”

在地震摧毁房屋时,志愿人员证明人类的团结是坚不可摧的。When an earthquake destroys homes, volunteers prove that human solidarity is shatterproof.

一个容易开岔的物体总会落在坚硬使之开裂的地方。A shatterproof object will always fall on the only surface hard enough to crack or break it.

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PET是炼油业的附属产品,是一种强壮,抗摔打和性价比很高的聚酯。Strong, shatterproof and a highly valued form of polyester, PET is a by-product of the oil industry.

的RPC罐子是挤出吹塑成型的共同高分子聚丙烯提供重大碎和轻量化的好处。The RPC jar is extrusion blow moulded in co-polymer PP to deliver significant shatterproof and lightweighting benefits.

日商建议我对其多出口旧瓷,配上高级包装,既可防碎可卖高价。Japanese advised me more than its exports of old porcelain, with a high-level packaging, can be sold at high prices shatterproof.

家庭置业的博伊塞特'薄酒莱新PET瓶是防碎,包括方便的螺丝帽的任何时间,任何地点消费。The Boisset Family Estates' Beaujolais Nouveau PET bottles are shatterproof and include a convenient screw cap for anytime, anywhere consumption.

重量轻,不碎,瓶子是安全的,易于处理,而他们有弹性的建设,使浇注既方便和乐趣。Lightweight and shatterproof , the bottles are safe and easy to handle, while their squeezable construction makes pouring both convenient and fun.

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这是第一次商业应用索诺科的防碎涂料,有机聚合物,取代氧化氮和玻璃涂料通常用于蒸煮袋。This is the first commercial application of Sonoco's Shatterproof coating, an organic polymer that replaces oxide and glass coatings typically used on retort pouches.

通过保护德行的防碎玻璃,他观察本能和支配世界的强烈的感情。学习如何指引他们不受他们控制。Protected by the shatterproof glass of virtue, he observes the instincts and passions that dominate the world. Learn how to direct them without being dominated by them.

据研发网站介绍,noPhone有一些普通智能手机没有的特点,它无线、无电池,不需要更新软件,防碎防水。As the site explains, 'the noPhone has superior features to a normal smartphone, because it's totally wireless, battery-free, doesn't require software updates, and is shatterproof and waterproof.