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——不,停下。No, stop.

不再分泌唾液。You stop.

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停止嘘声!Stop hushing.

停止抱怨。Stop whining.

他简直激情四溢He can't stop.

我停不下来I cannot stop.

不要再定计划了。Stop planning.

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别哭了!Do stop crying!

我会就此住手。I’m gonna stop.

问下问题来折磨折磨你们。Making it stop.

不要传播流言蜚语。Stop gossiping.

停止记录。Stop recording.

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别端那碗汤!Stop that soup!

抓小偷!Stop the thief!

这必须停止。That must stop.

就到这吧。I'll stop there.

无法忍耐。Just can't stop.

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在这停一下Let's stop here.

从不停歇。They never stop.

边个可以阻止我?。Who can stop me?