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神是言行一致的,不变的神。God is consistent.

有没有过表里一致的信仰生活?Am I consistent in my life?

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我需要一张一致的图片。I need a consistent picture.

这里的关键是要前后一致。The key is to be consistent.

并制定一致的用膳时间。And set consistent meal times.

和手术刀形成的刀口一致。It's consistent with a scalpel.

前后一致的使用证据。Be consistent with your evidence.

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一切都与此结论相符。Everything is consistent with it.

配色方案保持一致。Keep the color scheme consistent.

他的态度是前后一致的。He was consistent in his attitudes.

这是我们一贯的主张。That has been our consistent stand.

数据在结构上是否一致?Is the data structurally consistent?

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在这小半上甚至也是一致的。On this spot even is also consistent.

我们的立场是一贯的、明确的。Our position is consistent and clear.

病变特征与脑膜瘤一致。This is consistent with a meningioma.

泛神论是矛盾的。Pantheism is not consistent in history.

在文笔和标点符号上保持一致。Be consistent in grammar or punctuation.

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内容的表达方式应该是一致的。Content should be consistent in its voice.

对所有的排版都设置对齐的到一致的基准线上。Aligning the type to a consistent baseline.

他对于所发生事情的叙述前后一致。His account of what happened was consistent.