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他径自走进了屋子。He walked into the room unbidden.

这些字句从我的笔端滚滚流出。The words flowed unbidden from my pen.

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不速之客往往是在告辞时最受欢迎。Unbidden guests are often welcomest when they are gone.

埃德加冲向这位不速之客,脸色因惊愕与愤怒而发白。Edgar sprang to his unbidden guest, blanched with astonishment and rage.

那些信息会不时突然出现在脑海中,这种情况会持续一个时期。There will be a period when thoughts will come unbidden from time to time.

不期然地它要在夜中呼唤,使人们醒起,反躬自省。Unbidden shall it call in the night, that men may wake and gaze upon themselves.

它不邀自来,在午夜发出呼唤,人们会醒来,审视自己。Unbidden shall it call in the night, that men may wake and gaze upon themselves.

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有些人以为幻觉影象是通灵体验的产品,或是因为人在不经意间看见了宿世的景物。Some attribute deja vu to psychic experiences or unbidden glimpses of previous lives.

以色列人中,有人因为未奉上帝之命,轻易用人手去扶住约柜,以致遭了击杀。A life was lost in Israel because a pair of human hands were laid unbidden upon the ark of God.

但是当癌症再一次光临并降临在我丈夫丹头上时,珍妮来了。But when cancer came to the door again, this time to claim my husband, Dan, Jeanine came, too, unbidden.

范昂先生看见一位不速之客这般唐突无礼地闯进门来,顿时勃然大怒。Fang was consequently not a little indignant to see an unbidden guest enter in such irreverent disorder.

不用招呼,两大碗糊状食物外加两碟热气腾腾的蔬菜被摆上了桌。Unbidden , two bowls of mushy food were placed on the table along with two more steaming dishes of vegetables.

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你可以将自己沉迷于某种膜拜,祈祷,或是某种令你安慰的信念上,但是悲愁还会不期而至。You may lose yourself in some worship, prayer or in some comforting belief but it will appear again, unbidden.

当心灵无选择地去觉知这个混乱,而没有任何思想的运动,秩序就会不请自来。When the mind is choicelessly aware of this disorder without any movement of thought, then order comes unbidden.

我几乎没有一个认识的,并且很少同他们说过话。可是,好像我成了他们私人花园的不速之客。These were people I barely knew and seldom spoke to, but it was as if I had come unbidden into their personal gardens.

本世纪初,一个虚弱的老妇人蹒跚在她伦敦住处附近,被难以自控的涌起的记忆所困扰。In the early years of the 21st century a frail old woman totters around her London home, assailed by memories that rise up unbidden.

然而,有时,每当我与某人有不愉快的会话时,眼泪就会自觉不自觉地在眼眶中打转。Still, unbidden and unwanted, tears have a tendency to well up in my eyes whenever I'm having a difficult conversation with someone.

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你还将理解不请自来的欲望将决定你如何打发时间,就长期而言,则决定走过人生之路的方式。You will also come to appreciate the extent to which these unbidden desires determine how you spend your days and, in the long run, how you spend your life.

迷信总会在生活中不自主的出现,怕孩子踩过人行道的细缝将带来恶运。Superstition makes its appearance, apparently unbidden , very early in life, when children fear that stepping on cracks in the sidewalk will bring ill fortune.

在这些似乎被看来是自愿的或者不愿发生的事中,当你回头看这个循环时,你好认识到这正是转向辉煌的行动或者说是冒险的开始。Unbidden – and unwelcome – as these seem, when looking back on this cycle you'll recognise these as having been the beginning of activities or ventures that turned out brilliantly.