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工作正在慢慢地继续进行着。Work is proceeding slowly.

你船正以危险的速度开航。You are proceeding at dangerous speed.

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如果您看见任何错误,修正错误之后再继续。If you see any errors, fix them before proceeding.

在继续运行编码之前,请先设定路径。Before proceeding with the code, set up the routes.

我看,改革总的进展比较顺利。I think the reform is proceeding smoothly in general.

这说明通货紧缩在快速进行着。This suggests that disinflation is proceeding rapidly.

在继续之前应该测试数据库备份。You should test the database backup before proceeding.

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整场活动始终洋溢着热烈欢乐的气氛。The event was proceeding in a joyous and warm atmosphere.

债权人决定提起破产之诉。The creditors decided ot initiate a bankruptcy proceeding.

在继续操作前要检验额定面板上的电路图。Check the rating plate and wiring diagram before proceeding.

协议必须签署保密协议之前,任何意外。NDA agreement MUST be signed before proceeding with anything.

这没有阻止英国海军继续得意扬扬地前进的步伐。It hasn't stopped the British Navy proceeding on its merry way.

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那时,我正沿着大街向北去。I was proceeding along the High Street in a northerly direction.

继续阅读本文之前,建议您看一看这些文章。I suggest you read these articles before proceeding with this one.

关于特免权的规则,适用于案件或者程序的所有阶段。The rules on privilege apply to all stages of a case or proceeding.

除北京外,阿基诺总统将前往上海和福建访问。From Beijing, President Aquino is proceeding to Shanghai and Fujian.

本文介绍了C4型梳棉机分梳区工艺的试验情况。Proceeding an experimental analysis on carding technology of C4 card.

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强制安装汽车引擎晶片锁的提案要如何施行?How is the mandatory vehicle engine immobiliser initiative proceeding?

若参加研讨会全程,则包含论文集。If attend the whole conference it will include the proceeding booklet.

进行绩效追踪与绩效结果应用。Performance track and performace result application must be proceeding.