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尽管问伯尼马多夫好了。Just ask Bernie Madoff.

伯尼被邀请到朋友家吃晚餐。Bernie was invited to his friend's home for dinner.

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伯尼对海盗有所了解,因为他喜欢出海。Bernie knew about piracy, because he was an oceangoing person.

是的,伯尼是海格萨博的资本参与竞投。That's right, Bernie is part of the Genii Capital bid for Saab.

他的否定只是让我更加想投资给伯尼。His discouraging response only made me want Bernie all the more.

跟马多夫一样,政府也在对我的钱穷追不舍。Like Bernie Madoff, I've got the government coming after my money.

诺曼告诉我伯尼是他遗嘱的执行人。“Norman told me that Bernie was the executor of his will, ” said Carmen.

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更不消说在马多夫棕榈滩也够买上两处滨水豪宅的。Not to mention two of Bernie Madoff's Palm Beach waterfront getaway homes.

监狱里的各帮派都在试图劝说马多夫加入他们。Various 'gangs' at the prison are trying to recruit Bernie to their crews.

伯尼桑德斯是佛蒙特州独立派参议员,他与民主党人的投票立场一致。Senator Bernie Sanders, is a Vermont Independent who votes with the Democrats.

在20年代初,开始在考德威尔伯尼年轻的乐队专业。In the early '20s Caldwell began playing professionally in Bernie Young's Band.

威廉斯可能不会和纽约洋基队一起春训。Bernie Williams apparently will not attend spring training with the New York Yankees.

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柏尼和他的朋友计画毕业后环岛旅行。Bernie and his friends plan to do a road trip around the island after their graduation.

但是在几个领头的金中基金被爆与麦道夫有牵连时,这项声明有点被削弱了的意思。But this claim was rather dented by the exposure of several leading groups to Bernie Madoff.

宣传海报和公司网站上称,锤子是用来把马多夫玩偶砸成碎片的。The hammer is to "pulverize Bernie Madoff," posters and the action figure unit's website said.

就在这个时候,有人走进餐馆,在附近的一张桌子旁坐了下来,此人名叫伯尼·麦道夫。At that moment, who walked into the restaurant and sits down at a nearby table but Bernie Madoff.

人们说,伯尼曾在阿斯彭住着,还有他的弟弟彼得,但从来没有公开求证。Bernie had been in Aspen, people said, as had his brother, Peter, but never to solicit blatantly.

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当时既没有雷曼兄弟式的崩溃,也没有波尼。麦道夫式的欺诈来对这番乐极生悲的景象作出诠释。There was no Lehman-style collapse or Bernie Madoff-type fraud to hammer home the full extent of the hubris.

得到了众议员罗恩•保罗,参议员伯尼•桑德斯,和前参议员罗斯•范戈尔德的政治支持。Received political support from Congressman Ron Paul, Senator Bernie Sanders, and former Senator Russ Feingold.

明年赛季的收官站也许会在夜间进行,F1首席执行官伯尼承认到。Next year's season finale could be staged under floodlights , F1 chief executive Bernie Ecclestone has admitted.