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祝一切顺心如意!Wishes all satisfactorily pleasant!

汤的味道真好,令人满意。The soup tastes satisfactorily good.

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鸭蛋腌制得令人不满意。Duck eggs do not preserve satisfactorily.

我相信我可以恪尽职守。I'm sure I could do my job satisfactorily.

这种机器性能良好。This kind of machine performs satisfactorily.

问题终于完满解决。The problem has been solved satisfactorily at last.

妥贴稳当。Everything is satisfactorily arranged on a sound basis.

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这种修建筑材料料能餍足咱们的需要。The construction material answers our purpose satisfactorily.

结果所有病例肘内翻畸形均获纠正,效果良好。Results The cubitus varus of all cases were corrected satisfactorily.

虽然他尽了勤奋,但他的工做分做的不尽人意。Try hard as he will, he never seems able to do the work satisfactorily.

研制了一种性能优良的钢铁常温发黑处理剂。A kind of the steel blackening agent performance satisfactorily was developed.

锡焊能够满意地做成加筋构件之间的接头。Joints between reinforcement members can be made satisfactorily with tin solder.

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市售马抗破伤风血清经标记后效果满意。The commercially supplied horse anti-tetanus toxoid serum was used satisfactorily.

用TRK状态方程对实验所得数据进行关联,取得了较满意的结果。The experimental data can be re-presented satisfactorily by TRK equation of state.

研究了瓷土及CTS改性瓷土吸附水中苯胺的两种新方法。The aniline in waste water was satisfactorily treated by CTS_modified porcelain clay.

该系统对激光印字机进行模态试验获得了满意效果。The system has been applied satisfactorily to the modal testing for LaserJet printer.

结果再植耳廓完全成活,外形恢复。Results The replanted auricles survived well, and their shapes recovered satisfactorily.

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无论是海水、淡水或含盐的冲洗水,本系统都应付裕如。The Super Trident will operate satisfactorily on salt, fresh or brackish flushing water.

人依其存在之本性而朝向圆满生命与纯粹至善。Accordingly, man is naturally to be living satisfactorily and being absolutely pure good.

这种倍频器可以满意地用作为某型测速雷达的输出级。This frequency multiplier may be used satisfactorily as the output-stage some velocity radar.