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目的探讨球后麻醉新入路的临床效果。Objective To explore the effect of the new route of retrobulbar anesthesia.

方法对23例绝对期青光眼采用球后注射氯丙嗪。Methoods Retrobulbar injection of chlorpromazine was used in 23 cases of absolute glaucoma.

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目的介绍眼袋成形术并发球后血肿的诊断和治疗。Objective To explain the diagnosis and treatment of retrobulbar hematoma after baggy eye-plasty.

结果23例中22例采用球后注射氯丙嗪达到止疼目的。Results Of the 23 cases, pain was obviated with retrobulbar injection of chlorpromazine in 22 cases.

临床症状依靠于病变是否累及眼眶的前方或球后。Symptomatology depends on whether the disease involves the anterior or retrobulbar portion of the orbit.

球后血肿可由面部创伤,眼眶手术,或球后注射造成。Retrobulbar hematoma results from facial trauma, a complication of orbital surgery, or retrobulbar injection.

目的探讨球后肿瘤经颅眶入路切除的优势和不足。Objective To evaluate the advantages and lacks of treatment of retrobulbar tumor with transcranial orbitotomy.

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另外从光投射的变化,证实有视野缺陷产生。The change of light projection also reveals that there were visual field defects after retrobulbar anesthesia.

本篇报告四例在白内障手术中由于球后注射穿破眼球引起之视网膜剥离。We present four cases of retinal detachment due to the globes having been perforated by a retrobulbar injection.

眼球后出血是一个极罕见的并发症,其在眼眶的钝挫伤与眼周的美容手术都有可能出现。Retrobulbar hemorrhage is a rare complication of blunt orbital trauma or periorbital, including cosmetic, surgery.

若球后血肿同时伴有视力丧失或IOP升高,则需要紧急手术减压。If a retrobulbar hematoma is associated with visual loss or increased IOP, immediate surgical decompression is indicated.

目的探讨多巴胺和维生素B12球后注射治疗儿童弱视的远期疗效。Objective To probe into the long-term effect of retrobulbar injection of dopamine and vitamine B12 in children amblyopia.

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目的评估和比较球结膜浸润麻醉和球后麻醉下行青光眼手术的可靠性及安全性。Objective To evaluate and compare efficacy and safety of subconjunctive and retrobulbar anesthesia for glaucoma operation.

目的探讨氯丙嗪球后注射治疗绝对期青光眼的临床效果,以解除绝对期青光眼疼痛问题。Objective To evaluate the clinical effect of retrobulbar injection of chlorpromazine so as to obviate pain of the patients.

结论球后注射氯丙嗪治疗绝对期青光眼引起的疼痛是安全便捷有效的方法。Conclusions Retrobulbar injection of chlorpromazine in the treatment of absolute glaucoma is a simple safe and effective method.

目的探讨高龄眼科患者球后神经阻滞前应用异丙酚对其血流动力学的影响。Objective To investigate hemodynamics of elderly patients with propofol application before retrobulbar nerve block in department of ophthalmology.

于球后麻醉下切开巩膜排出视网膜下液,玻璃体内注入过滤空气,冷凝黄斑裂孔。To drain off sub retinal fluid through sclerotomy inject filtering air into vitreous andfreeze macular hole is performed under retrobulbar anesthesia.

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目的探讨糖尿病患者眼球动脉血流动力学指标的变化及其临床价值。Objective To investigate hemodynamic alteration of retrobulbar vessels in patients with diabetic retinopathy, and to explore its clinical significance.

目的测定普罗碘铵经肌肉或球后注射后,不同时间点家兔玻璃体中碘的浓度。Objective To determine iodine concentration of the rabbit vitreous body in the different time after prolonium iodide intramuscular or retrobulbar injection.

病患由于骨折引起脸部不对称、眼眶瘀青及复视,因而住院接受手术复位治疗。We present a case of a patient who developed retrobulbar hematoma after surgical treatment of left zygomatic fracture and blowout fracture of the orbital floor.