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他们有那么多空闲的时间,又有那么多空闲的兴致。They have so much leisure and so much leisurely joviality.

激动和歇斯底里之间就一线之隔。There's a very thin dividing line between joviality and hysteria.

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虽在欢乐之中,他片刻不忘谨慎。只有鼠目寸光的人才会看不见教育的重要性。In the midst of his joviality he did not for a moment lose sight of discretion.

我发现这是一个非常令人愉悦地榜样。因为我认为年龄仅仅就是个数字而已。I identified myself with this example of joviality. For this reason I state that age is but a detail.

而她的诅咒的念叨,夹杂着无望的传播丑闻的惬意,是来自一轮黑色太阳的闪光。Rather, grinding through her imprecations is a scandalous joviality without hope, rays from a black sun.

它们模糊了虚构和真实之间的界线,在这个空间里艺术家获得了比从前更多的愉悦。The works blur imaginary and real worlds, and the artist gains more joviality than before in such creations.

当然,这一令人泣笑皆否的怪异,也由此包含了一种对抗性游戏的全部刺激与愉悦。Certainly, this cry-and-laugh monstrosity also contains the whole stimulation and joviality in a defensive game.

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情感的愉悦性,整体的和谐性、游戏的情境性是教学游戏性的基本特征。Joviality of emotion, compatibility of unitary and situation of game are the basic characters of teaching playfulness.

我被旋转的速度和高得略带嘶哑的高音刺激得无比愉悦,根本不愿回到地面!I felt matchless joviality excited by the rolling speed and the piping alt tone, and was unwilling to be back to the ground!

而她的诅咒的念叨,夹杂着无望的传播丑闻的惬意,是来自一轮黑色太阳的闪光。Rather, grinding through her imprecations is a scandalous joviality without hope, rays from a black sun. Most honoured Elfriede Jelinek!

最后,希望您把在这里获得的愉快经历告诉更多的朋友,期待您的再次光临,谢谢!We wish, during you stay with us joviality experience wise up to your friends and we hope we will have the pleasure of serving you again.

广泛认为愚人节的起源与春夏的季节变化有关,因此带来了欢乐和庆祝。It is widely regarded that April Fools origins relate to the change in seasons from Spring to Summer, thus bringing joviality and celebrations.

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我和他比赛似的吃着饺子,并不说话,却没有冷场的尴尬,只有温暖随意、舒服愉悦。We competed in consuming the dumplings without saying anything. Keeping silent brought no awkward embarrassment but warmth, ease, comfort and joviality.

上千年来,风筝不仅为人们带来了无穷的身心愉悦,增进了人们的身心健康,而且自唐代普及于民间以来,它就成为文学艺术的创作题材之一。It is joyful that the kite has not only brought joviality to people, promote physical and mental health, but also become creation subject for literature and art.

科技的应用带给人们越来越多的愉悦和体验,信息产品开始深入影响人们的生活。The application of science and technology brings us more and more joviality and experiences, the information products begin to influence people's life thoroughly.

将这些瞬间的细节图像化,可以看作我一次自残式的梦游,在愉悦当下的感官刺激后,一种梦境的惊骇将引发观者对其自身存在的恐惧与绝望。Show these details in the form of pictures just like suicide-sleepwalking. After a joviality experience of sense stimulate, one would feel fear and despair about his self-existent.

这些特殊的服务,让这位上班族大吃一惊,他不禁望了一下这位司机,司机先生愉悦的表情就像车窗外和煦的阳光。The special service, let the office worker have a big surprise, he can't help to have a look of the driver, the driver's joviality expression looks like the sunshine out the window.