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它们需要我的引领。They need my guidance.

我期待获得你们的指导。I look forward to your guidance.

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他们祈求上帝指点迷津。They prayed to God for guidance.

我问阿达玛和他的指导。I ask for Adama and His guidance.

听从你的内心,以此为指引。Listen to your heart for guidance.

发脾气的行为与辅导。The guidance of anger- management.

没有制导系统可以欺骗。There's no guidance system to fool.

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请你多加指导。It is hoped you will give us guidance.

全国民众期待他们能够指引方向。The nation looks to them for guidance.

敬祈指导。We respectfully request your guidance.

要加强分类指导。Second, strengthen classified guidance.

敬请莅临指导。Your presence and guidance are requested.

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布鲁克是根据德文的指导巫婆。Brook is the witch under Devin's guidance.

如果你去寻找他,他会提供指引。If you seek Him, He will provide guidance.

向它请示指向,引导就会来。Ask it for guidance, and guidance will come.

这种指南的缺乏是一个主要的不足之处。This lack of guidance is a major deficiency.

他应该向他的姐姐们求教指导意见。He ought to look to his sisters for guidance.

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可能需要来自指导者的一些指导。Some guidance from the mentor may be required.

只要你需要导引对你就有用。Guidance is available to you whenever you want.

在丘老师的引导下。With the guidance of Master Cae Hiew of course.