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莫斯科人善饮伏特加酒。Muscovite kind drink vodka.

年轻的莫斯科人一定没注意到这步将军。The young Muscovite must have overlooked this intermediate check.

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俄罗斯基辅公国与莫斯科公国有着什么样的国家组织?How did state formation come about in Kievan and Muscovite Russia?

四川丹巴白云母矿是我国开发最早的白云母矿之一。Danba Muscovite Mine, Sichuan is one of earliest muscovite mines in China.

同时由于加入刚性白云母粒子,还使复合材料得到增强。Besides, the muscovite filled into composites also would increase the strengthening of composites.

莫斯科军队被立陶宛大公国的军队追击了五公里。The muscovite forces were pursued by the army of the grand duchy of lithuania for five kilometers.

立陶宛轻骑兵攻击过分伸张的莫斯科人的战线中央,企图分割他们。The lithuanian light horse attacked the overstretched center of the muscovite lines in an attempt to split them.

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脉体赋存于区内白云母二长花岗岩的内外接触带,并以内带为主。The vein bodies occur in the inner and outer contact of muscovite adamellite with the inner contact as a main ore belt.

少量的立陶宛大公国和波兰军队击败了莫斯科的军队,占领和俘获了他们的营盘和指挥官。The much smaller army of the grand duchy of lithuania and poland defeated the muscovite forces capturing their camp and commander.

通过对比性试验和研究,提出用汽蒸法替代蒸煮法处理俄罗斯产进口山毛榉的新工艺。A new drying process with steaming treatment was lodged to substitute for a cooking method, and used to dry Muscovite beech lumber.

公共民意测验显示梅德韦杰夫将在第一轮投票中轻松获胜。Public opinion polls indicate Dmitri Medvedev will win handily in the first round. Muscovite Andrei Borodin intends to vote for him.

流水令莫斯科船只和莎莎复苏了,但奥兰朵仍停留在男性性状中。The release of the water frees the Muscovite ship and releases Sasha but stultifies Orlando at that time still in his male incarnation.

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小文山碎云母矿的含矿岩石是一套以白云母钾长片麻岩为主体的变质岩,原岩为富硅高钾、低钙低镁的粘土质砂岩。The ore-bearing rock of the Xiaowenshan detrital mica mineral is a set metamorphic rock that main body rock is muscovite K-feldspar gneiss.

弗拉基米尔·马克西莫夫,多才多艺的莫斯科人,他的身份包括作家、文化学者、花样游泳教练以及马戏导演。Vladimir Maximov, a Muscovite of versatile gifts, writer, cultural historian, synchronized swimming trainer, and director of circus pageants.

彭山岩体是由白云母碱长花岗岩、云母碱长花岗岩和黑云母二长花岗岩组成的钙碱性花岗复式岩体。The Penshan granitic body is a calc-alkaline pluton composed of muscovite alkali granite, two-mica alkali feldspar granite and biotite adamellite.

文章介绍了疏水聚团浮选技术应用于河北某金矿伴生围岩中绢云母的提纯。At a gold ore mine in Hebei province, the floatation technique of hydrophobic flocculation is adopted to upgrade the muscovite accompanied in gold ore.

他们在与日耳曼人在长久的战争中幸存并且获得统治权,几乎支配整个欧洲天主教,鞑但人和俄罗斯帝国。It survived and gained power in the constant fight with the Teutonic Knights, supported by almost the whole of Catholic Europe, the Tartar hordes and Muscovite Russia.

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以微晶白云母为研究对象,铝酸酯DL-411-D为改性剂,研究探讨微晶白云母铝酸酯表面改性工艺条件及其表征方法。The technological process of surface modification of micro-crystal muscovite by aluminate coupling agent DL-411-D and evaluation method of modification effect were studied.

万一受欢迎的普金总统的呼吁还不够的话,人们还会不时地收到关于投票给梅德维德夫的手机短信,甚至他会出现在了地铁车票的背面。In case the personal request of a popular president isn't enough, Muscovite are getting plenty of reminders by mobile phone tax massege and even on the back of metro tickets.

金主要以镜下不可见的微细粒金为主,矿石中绢云母含量很高,矿石泥化严重,浮选回收率偏低。The gold are mainly fine grained and invisible under microscope. The muscovite content of the ore is high. The ores are extremely sliming so the flotation recovery rate is low.