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这个消息震惊了古人类学界。The announcement electrified the paleoanthropology community.

现代人类的起源、演化和迁移是人类学界研究和争议的热点之一。The appearance of anatomically modern Homo sapiens is a hotly debated issue in paleoanthropology.

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大卫霍恩是在北京中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类古生物学家的中国。David Hone is a paleontologist at the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology of China in Beijing.

就这样,那个德玛尼斯出土的下颚骨,不但没有得到古人类学界大老的认可,还惹了一身腥。Thus, rather than receiving the imprimatur of paleoanthropology 's elite, the jaw from Dmanisi came away with question marks.

在某些方面,德玛尼斯化石引起的问题比提供的答案还多,在古人类学里,这已是司空见惯的事。Echoing what has become a common refrain in paleoanthropology , the Dmanisi discoveries in some ways raise more questions than they answer.

当梵佩金格尔在去年4月芝加哥召开的古人类学会议上发表自己的初步发现时引起了不小的震动。Von Petzinger caused quite a stir when she presented her preliminary findings last April at the Paleoanthropology Society Meeting in Chicago.

他在这个遗址获得了古人类学研究经验,并希望在这里成立一所优秀的田野学校,训练有志青年从事考古学与人类学研究。Here at the site where he cut his teeth on paleoanthropology , he hopes to establish a preeminent field school to train aspiring young archaeologists and anthropologists.

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虽然科学家们已经发现了更为精细的恐龙羽毛化石,但徐星表示,北票龙的这些羽毛结构依然堪称新奇。More elaborate dinosaur feathers had already been found, but "these structures were novel," says Xu, of Beijing's Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology.

虽然科学家们已经发现了更为精细的恐龙羽毛化石,但徐星表示,北票龙的这些羽毛结构依然堪称新奇。More elaborate dinosaur feathers had already been found, but "these structures were novel, " says Xu, of Beijing's Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology.

之后两人描述并对外公布了这第一个关于尼安德特人的发现,从而引爆了古人类学领域并导出了史前人类的永恒魅力。The two went on to describe and publish the first findings about Neandertals, launching the field of paleoanthropology —and our enduring fascination with this extinct human relative.

他,和来自北京”脊椎古生物学及古人类学“中国科学院的同事着手去在远古的鸟类和恐龙,包括中华龙鸟中寻找这种结构。He and colleagues from the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology in Beijing set out to look for them in fossils of ancient birds and dinosaurs, including Sinosauropteryx.

因此,客观总结、并科学规划三峡古人类研究工作,是该地区古人类科研领域取得突破性进展的关键。As a result, an objective summary and a scientific plan for the Paleoanthropology work should be a key for breakthrough progress in the field of Paleoanthropology study in the Three Gorges region.