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如今高压线塔被认为是一道亮丽的风景。A PYLON is supposed to be a beautiful thing.

拉索连续跨过塔架内的索鞍。Stays are continuous over saddles in the pylon.

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全焊接的A形框架式的塔柱与桥面叉开。The all-welded, A-frame pylon straddles the deck.

塔架安装需用起重量达1000吨的吊机。Erection of the pylon required a crane of 1000 ton capacity.

钢索在桥塔或塔柱的不同高度上相交。The cables intersect the tower or pylon at different heights.

发动机吊架和整流罩无液压油渗漏和损伤。No damage and fluid fluid leakage from engine pylon and cowling doors.

塔室块件由传递用的转臂吊机吊放在桥面上。The pylon cell units were hoisted to the deck by the transfer derrick.

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“利用弯曲心灵运送单位到仍何”能量塔“能量覆盖的地方。Protoss can use Warp In to teleport units anywhere they want into pylon power.

临海大桥是一座独塔单索面预应力混凝土抖拉桥。Lin Hai bridge is a cable-stayed bridge with a single pylon and one cable plane.

研究了拓扑优化技术及其在航空发动机吊挂结构设计中的应用。Application of topology optimization in the structure design of aero-engine pylon is studied.

最高塔架高达452英尺,而桥全长度不足一英里。The peak of its pylon is 452 feet high, while the bridge's total length is just shy of a mile.

南洲大桥为弯塔斜拉桥结构。该桥的斜拉索采用钢锚梁锚固系统。The pylon of Guilin Nanzhou Bridge is curve, and the steel anchor beam system on pylon is complicated.

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采用截面法进行了挂架内力的计算,挂架上任意点应力的计算和强度系数的计算。By method of sections, we calculate the internal force, stress and intensity coefficient of the air pylon.

星期二,在中国的鹰潭市工人修理电塔,一些省报道称其电力短缺。Workers repaired a pylon on Tuesday in Yingtan, China, as power shortages were reported in some provinces.

近日又在比邻电塔下的工作台上设立了平台让海雕造巢。In the last few days HKE offered an alternative nesting site at the working platform below the adjacent pylon.

地下铺设电缆的造价是架设高空线塔的四到十倍。The cost of putting a cable underground is between four and ten times as much as that of carrying it on a pylon.

周一燃气主管道破裂后起火,烧坏了一座电力铁塔,并造成大约住户断气。Some 18,000 homes were left without gas after a gas main ruptured on Monday, setting fire to an electricity pylon.

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在安装每架涡轮机的支柱前,这艘安装船先将六条腿伸入海床中,以便稳定船只本身。It extends six legs into the seabed to stabilize itself before installation of the pylon on which each turbine sits.

模型的抗裂安全系数大于1.65,索塔结构锚固区设计安全可靠。The model anti-crack safety coefficient are bigger than 1.65, the anchorage zone of the pylon are safely and reliable.

港灯上星期拆除旧巢之后已在原位装上细网,防止海雕重建。After removing the old nest last week, HKE installed a mesh at each end of the pylon to stop the WBSEs from rebuilding.