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张拉整体的概念是由美国著名建筑师富勒提出的。The conception of the tensegrity was proposed by Fuller, a famous American architect.

籍此方法可以根据具体工程给出相应的张拉整体单元。With this method, tensegrity elements can be achieved according to practical engineering.

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试验结果充分验证了张拉整体结构的一些力学特性。The result of test throughly verified some mechanical characteristics of tensegrity systems.

其次,对张拉整体结构的发展历史和基本概念及其特点进行了详述。Secondly, development history, basic concept and characteristics of tensegrity are described clearly.

利用应力自平衡的单元结构拼接成张拉整体结构,是构成张拉整体结构的一种方法。It is one of the methods to form Tensegrity structures by using self equilibrated stress unit structures.

全张力、张力集成体系是由集成单元根据一定的规则组合而成的一种特殊的空间结构。Tensegrity Systems are special space structures which are formed from tensegrity grids with certain rules.

动力松弛法计算过程简单,是计算不稳定体系的一种可选方法。The process of calculation is simple, so dynamic relaxation is a usefull method for analyzing tensegrity system.

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张拉整体空间框架灯由四支杆灯模构成,其几何形状是立方形结构的派生。The tensegrity space frame light is comprised of a four strut lamp module whose geometry is the derivative of a cube.

张拉整体结构是一种由连续拉索和断续压杆构成的新型结构。Tensegrity structure is a new type of structure consisting of a continuous set of cables and a discrete set of struts.

结果结合张拉整体结构的刚度特点,解决了程序迭代计算的收敛性问题。In the light of stiffness characteristics of tensegrity structures, the convergency of iterative computation is solved.

弦支穹顶结构体系是在单层网壳和张拉整体的基础上发展起来的一种新型空间结构。The suspending system is a new-style space structures developed on the bases of single-layer dome structures and tensegrity systems.

弦支穹顶结构体系是在单层网壳和张拉整体的基础上发展起来的一种新型空间结构。The suspendome system is a new-style space structures developed on the bases of single-layer dome structures and tensegrity systems.

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从一切未知到初具雏形,此方法可以有效的解决这一问题。This method concentrates on the topology of tensegrity, and it adapt for the initial process of the form find process of tensegrity.

张拉整体理论上可以做到非常大的跨度,并且随着结构跨度的增大,其单位面积自重和造价的增加并不大。Tensegrity structure can achieve very large span in theory and the unite area deadweight cost doesn't increase much when the span increases.

张拉整体体系是一种新型的空间杆系结构,它的有关理论目前在国际上仍处于研究和探索的阶段。Tensegrity system is a new type of the space reticulated structure. At present , it is still at the stage of study and exploration in the world.

本文根据非线性有限元理论研究讨论基于压杆失稳的张拉整体结构极限承载能力。According to nonlinear finite element analysis, the ultimate load-carrying capacity of tensegrity system is discussed based on the buckling of struts.

弦支穹顶结构是基于单层球面网壳和张拉整体体系的一种新型合理的混合大跨空间结构。Suspen-dome is a novel and reasonable of long-span hybrid space structure based upon the single-layer spherical lattice shell and the tensegrity system.

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提出了一种新型的预制类张拉整体结构,通过仿真的方法对结构进行均布荷载作用下的受力分析,并根据内力分布的特点确定了相应的施工方法。This paper put forward a new pre-produced tensegrity structure, and analyzed the structure under the dead load and live load through a simulation procedure.

本文就张拉整体体系的概念、发展历史、研究现状、工程实践和有待进一步研究的问题等进行了论述。The paper discusses the structural concept, history, the latest development, engineering practice and some problems need to be solved of the tensegrity systems.

本文从预应力空间钢结构的优越性和特点出发,构想了一种新型的上、下弦为预应力张索的组合网架结构。Based on the prestressed tensegrity structure and the grids structure , this paper has suggested a new cooperative grids composed of prestressed cables and poles.