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去上大学。Go to college.

大学生活真爽!College life rules!

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我是城市学院的。I'm from City College.

大学专科或以上学历。College degree or above.

他没念过大学。He didn't go to college.

我是理式学院毕业生。I am a college graduate.

人才济济的学校。quicker-related college.

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烟台师范学院。Yantai Teacher’s College.

那时他已经上大学了。By then he was in college.

接著我会进大学。I’ll be doing college next.

1999年李开始的学院。Li started college in 1999.

丽华是个大学生。Lihua is a college student.

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你念哪所大学?What college did you go to?

白领人士,大学毕业。White collar, college grad.

我期盼着上大学。I hope for going to college.

我后来在大学才学的。I learned later, at college.

天津农学院。Tianjin agriculture college.

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新鲜统计从大学园区。Fresh stat from college park.

他在大学与我同年级。He was in my year at college.

我在大学学写程序。I learned to code in college.