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我们有保密协议。We have a confidentiality agreement.

若他或她不守秘密,怎办?What if he or she breaks confidentiality?

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数据恢复和机密性问题。Data recovery and confidentiality problems.

保护双向表单中的机密信息Preserving confidentiality in a two-way form

对架构属性设置机密旗标Set a confidentiality flag in the schema attributes

有时候合同会有某些保密规定。Sometimes, the contracts have confidentiality provisions.

这样的话,保密性显得尤为重要。Confidentiality may be particularly stringentin this case.

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恐怕不行。我们有保密协议。I'm afraid you can't. We have a confidentiality agreement.

还对这些消息进行了加密,确保了消息的机密性。The messages are also encrypted, assuring confidentiality.

确保机密性的一个例子是使用加密。One example to ensure confidentiality is to use encryption.

我们要依靠机密所提供的信任空间。We count on the space of trust that confidentiality provides.

自始至终确保完全的公正与失密。Ensure absolutely impartiality and Confidentiality throughout.

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在任何时候严格保守机密。Maintain strictest confidentiality at all times on all matters.

在此模型中,还可能需要保密性和完整性。In this model confidentiality and integrity may also be required.

瑞芭指出,保密性是出了费用和承保范围之外需要考虑的问题。Confidentiality is another concern beyond costs and coverage, said Riba.

你怎么在保密的前提下确认做到这一点呢?How do you identify these points while maintaining some confidentiality?

缺少保密性和隐私性是主要的问题之一。Loss of confidentiality and privacy is one of the major hindrances here.

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五月必须签署保密协议或保密协议。MAY have to sign non-disclosure agreement, or confidentiality agreement.

在开发的每个阶段,保守机密的政策也是必需的。A policy of confidentiality in each stage of development is also necessary.

请问您曾有签订竞业禁止约定、保密约定等吗?Have you ever signed non-compete agreement, confidentiality agreement etc. ?