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一个从未经历过自我怀疑的人也许会令他人生厌。A person who never suffers from self-doubt may be insufferable.

“你个死醉鬼,个一无是处的狗娘养的东西!”女士怒骂道。"Why you drunken, worthless, insufferable son of a BITCH!" she screamed.

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妄图按自己的想法左右一切的人,是令人难以忍受的蠢驴。He is an insufferable ass who would regulate everything according to his ideas.

她的声音压制着从喉咙里迸出来,似乎在说着一件不可忍受的事。Her voice inhibits from the throat in spout out, seem is saying an insufferable matter.

法国可以接受私下批评,不过公开的斥责是不可容忍的。They are willing to take criticism in private, but found the public scolding insufferable.

曾经也是一个被社会抛弃的外来户的我也体会过这种不堪忍受的感觉。I have experienced their insufferable feeling as an outsider being abandoned by this society.

如果你能掌握这个简单的工具,你会变成那个让人“不堪忍受”的万事通。If you can master this simple tool, you'll be the most insufferable know-it-all in your crew.

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我想听,但是为此忍受一个重度智障来控制我的队伍并不值得。I do, but it is not worth tolerating that insufferable cretin taking over control of this party.

你是不能控制自己呢还是总是以为自己无所不知而感到自豪呢?Are you incapable of restraining yourself or do you take pride in being an insufferable know it all?

后面的街道上排起长长的汽车队,对于这些司机们来说,我们就是难以忍受的妨碍物。To the drivers in the long line of cars that was backing up in the street, we were insufferable obstructions.

那一次喝得酩酊大醉的时候,我说了喜欢你不喜欢你的一番话,让你受不了,希望你忘了它吧。On the drunken occasion in question, I was insufferable about liking you, and not liking you. I wish you would forget it.

它限定的140字符也预先排除了用户纸上谈兵的大多数个人博客难以忍受的性质。Its 140-character limit also precludes users from the long-winded navel-gazing that makes most personal blogs insufferable.

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仇恨、歧视、小气需要被克制,以及带有一定程度的让人受不了的性格、烂脾气和内心的不满。Hatred, discrimination, mean need to be restrained, and a certain degree of insufferable character, bad temper and inner dissatisfaction.

而当蒙在鼓里的民众欢呼着为破产买单时,不正是这些事不关己的立法者鼓吹着所谓“个人责任”吗?Or were all those insufferable lectures about "personal responsibility" when the bankruptcy bill was going through just so much claptrap?

对于寻求城市工作的家庭成员来说,如果城市最终证明令人无法忍受,那他们就能回头依靠这份保单。The family land holding is an insurance policy, to which family members seeking urban work can return if conditions in the city prove insufferable.

你可以在YouTube上看到整个的演讲.公平地说,它一定闻名于这显然是一个"恢复政党的信心"的成员,一直是一种夸夸其谈的风格.有一点没错,他的腔调是令人难以忍受的.他一定会为他已经发布的关于自己的文字而后悔的."It must in fairness be noted that this is obviously a "rallying the party faithful" number, always a bombastic genre. That said, his tone is insufferable.

真正的大师从不抱怨的原因是,真正的大师并不觉得他是在受苦,而只是在体验你称之为无法忍受的情境而已。The reason that the true Master does not complain is that the true Master is not suffering, but simply experiencing a set of circumstances that you would call insufferable.

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真正的大师从不抱怨的原因是,真正的大师并不觉得他是在受苦,而只是在体验你称之为无法忍受的情境而已。April 13 The reason that the true Master does not complain is that the true Master is not suffering, but simply experiencing a set of circumstances that you would call insufferable.

你可以在YouTube上看到整个的演讲.公平地说,它一定闻名于这显然是一个"恢复政党的信心"的成员,一直是一种夸夸其谈的风格.有一点没错,他的腔调是令人难以忍受的.他一定会为他已经发布的关于自己的文字而后悔的.You can watch the whole speech on YouTube. It must in fairness be noted that this is obviously a "rallying the party faithful" number, always a bombastic genre. That said, his tone is insufferable.