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水在大锅中翻滚。Water seethed in the caldron.

釜下烈火永不熄。Fire burn, and caldron bubble.

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咖啡的蒸气从打磨得锃亮的大壶里喷出来。A jet of coffee steam from the burnished caldron.

我得找个大锅子把树干浸在冷水里。I have to find a caldron to log completely in water.

但广东是一口制造业和城市增长的沸腾大锅。But Guangdong is a caldron of manufacturing and urban growth.

20从牠鼻孔冒出烟来,如烧开的锅和点著的芦苇。Out of his nostrils goeth smoke, as out of a seething pot or caldron.

就在过去五天,北京经历了充满灰色天空的“大闷天”。For the past five days, Beijing has been a soupy caldron of humid, gray skies.

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本文首先介绍了对搪玻璃反应釜进行监漏的必要性。This paper introduces the glass lining of reaction caldron on the necessity of the prison leakage.

“鼎”是中国传统文化艺术的一种表现形式,庄重高贵。Quadripod caldron is a kind of expression form in Chinese traditional cultural art, which suggests grandeur and dignity.

在中国历史上,每当国运昌盛或重大事件时,都要铸鼎纪念。In the period of prosperity or great event of country in Chinese history, quadripod caldron was cast to memorize the time.

采用双循环气液平衡釜测定了异丙醇-异戊醇二元体系在常压下的气液平衡数据。Isopropanol-Isopentanol Binary system vapor-liquid equilibrium date were measured with vapor-liquid equilibrium caldron in 101.

将叉子往罐里,或鼎里,或釜里,或锅里一插,插上来的肉,祭司都取了去。He would plunge it into the pan or kettle or caldron or pot, and the priest would take for himself whatever the fork brought up.

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西周的鬲被居民拿来种花。绳纹到底、有卷沿、档部有弧度为其特徵。This Western Chou caldron was used to plant flowers. Its special features include decorative lines cut all the way to the bottom and curls.

改进后的反应釜由于使用压力机的滑块与顶缸压紧,提高了反应釜的使用寿命。Improved caldron can pressed the gliding block of the press against top cylinder, so as to increase the service life of the reaction caldron.

奥巴马总统将于4月中旬前往墨西哥会晤卡尔德龙,两位领导人随后将出席在特立尼达和多巴哥举行的美洲国家首脑会议。President Barack Obama goes to Mexico City in mid-April to meet Mr. Caldron before both leaders attend the Summit of the Americas in Trinidad and Tobago.

该技术同时适用于各种化工过程排放的高温废水等低阶能源的回收与节能。The energy saving and material recovery technology of the high temperature waste water discharged from the caldron of distillation columms were researched and advanced.