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联系学校实习生。Connect school interns.

接发动机汽化器。Connect engine carburetor.

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接上压井和放喷管线。Connect kill and choke line.

接下来,连接到该数据库。Next, connect to the database.

请帮我接一下李先生。Please connect me with Mr. li.

请帮我接李先生。Please connect me with Mr.Lee.

你是如何与土豆网建立联系的?How did you connect with Tudou?

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连接下侧散热器软管。Connect the lower radiator hose.

把这个零件安到这台机器上。Connect this part to the machine.

我这就给你接亨特先生。I'll connect you with Mr. Hunter.

扶正器下在什么地方?Where to connect the centralizer.

连接至汽车底盘地线。Connect to vehicle chassis ground.

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我和网友通过邮件联系。I connect with my net pal bye-mail.

我来看看能不能替您重接。I’ll see if I can connect you again.

你愿替我联络张先生吗?Would you connect me with Mr. Chang?

把电缆头与仪器连上。Connect the cable head with the tools.

把刻录机连接到电脑上。Connect the recorder to your computer.

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将您的工作与底线结合起来。Connect your work with the bottom line.

把他们找出来并与他们取得联系。Go seek them out and connect with them.

连接的模拟电话向FXS端口。Connect an analog phone to the FXS port.