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我是勇猛。I am valor.

看那北方天空天空熊熊的怒火,是勇气在燃烧,恨意长!Is it valor or hate the blaze in the northen sky?

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阿,有时候,欺骗是通向勇敢的更好的方式。Ah, sometimes decepticon is a better path to valor.

阿溪里的勇武是攻克特洛伊城的原因。The valor of Achilles was the cause of the capture of Troy.

他找到懒鬼华莱,两人决定去碰碰运气。He found Valor do-nothing , the two decided to take a chance.

激励着表演者展示骑手的英姿,自由发挥,尽情欢舞。Performers can fully demonstrate their valor and heroic spirit.

在他的早期儿童英勇的无可比拟的孩子,被称为盲骚动。In his early childhood for unexampled valor kid was nicknamed Blind Fury.

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我是勇敢。我是勇气。我是勇猛。我是勇悍。我手捧同义词词典胡言乱语。I am bravery. I am courage. I am valor. I am daring. I am holding a thesaurus.

依靠我们的勇猛来试试,到底命运女神希望由你还是我来行统治。Let us try by our valor whether our mistress Fortune wishes you or me to rule.

他没想要任何贡品、颂歌或歌功颂德的墓碑、诗词。For he did not wish tribute or song, nor monuments, nor poems of war and valor.

真正的英勇是无人目睹的情况下一如面对天下人般行事。Perfect Valor is to do, without a witness, all that we could do before the whole world.

武英殿是皇帝吃饭、居住和会见大臣的地方。Hall of martial valor is to eat, place to live and to meet with secretary of the emperor.

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正如斯巴达国王阿杰西劳斯所说,“如果每个人都是正直的,勇猛就没有必要。”As Agesilaus, a Spartan king, said, "If all men were just, there would be no need of valor."

先生告诉他儿子不要干冒险的事,因为小心要比愚蠢的勇敢好。Mr. B told his son not to do any risky things because discretion is the better part of valor.

祭司亚撒利雅率领耶和华勇敢的祭司八十人,跟随他进去。But Azariah the priest went in after him, with eighty priests of the LORD who were men of valor.

返回到桥梁和交谈,她说你死需要一个伟大的荣耀和勇气神器。Go back to the bridge and talk to Death and she says you need an artifact of great glory and valor.

当勇猛捕获了理性,它也就吃掉了用来战斗的刀剑---威廉。莎士比亚,英国剧作家。When valor preys on reason, It eats the sword it fights with---William Shakespeare, British playwright.

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通过考验取得武士头衔后,欧比-万的声誉和勇气不见衰退。After passing the trials and achieving Knighthood, Obi-Wan's reputation and valor continued to grow unabated.

这项人权观察的年度奖对她捍卫人权的出色贡献表示敬意,并表扬那些以个人生命维护他人尊严和权利的勇气人。It celebrates the valor of individuals who put their lives on the line to protect the dignity and rights of others.

战士在战斗中能英勇作战,是由于他们手中有精良武器,身上有坚硬的铠甲。In war, the soldiers are able to fight with valor and spirit because they are equipped with the best weapon and armor.