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看透了,也就心静了。See, also calm.

奈妲冷静下来。Naida grew calm.

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海上风平浪静。The sea was calm.

笨蛋们都冷静下!Calm down morons! ! !

知道,但请稍安毋躁。I know, but calm down!

她性情很平各。She has a calm temper.

你必须保持镇静。You must observe calm.

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我们怎样让他平静下来?How do we calm it down?

那可能让你们安静下来。That should calm you down.

冷静!,慢一点!"Just calm down! Slow down!

感受无风时大海的平静。Feel calm when the sea calm.

保持冷静和明智。Remain calm and levelheaded.

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她在喘气,他们冷静下来。She gasps as they calm down.

那鱼当初又安静又安稳。The fish is calm and steady.

他们讲话的语气谨慎平静。The mood is discreetly calm.

他以平静的声音回答。He answered with a calm voice.

这也是一种平静的恢复力。There’s a calm resilience too.

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真正的勇敢是冷静和沉着。True courage is cool and calm.

君子坦荡荡。A gentleman is calm and poised.

洗个热水澡会使你平静下来。A warm bath will calm you down.