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带上你的旅程表。Bring your itinerary with you.

不得签转,不得更改行程。Not signed to change the itinerary.

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我需要在今天之内知道你的旅行路线。I need your travel itinerary by end of day.

行程表内列明之午餐及晚餐。Lunch & Dinner which mentioned in itinerary.

在她的行程表上她还有许多地方要去参观。She has many places yet to visit on her itinerary.

此外亦欢迎自助组团出发。Sama Tours also have tailored made group itinerary.

本社将保留更改已上报价及行程的权利。We are have the right to change or amend itinerary.

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双方商定了访问日程。The two sides have agreed on the itinerary of the visit.

就在临行的前一天,我们还没制定出旅行计划。A day before departure we were still lacking an itinerary.

我想知道你能不能核对一下酒井先生欧洲的行程。I wonder if you could check Mr. Sakai' s European itinerary.

我想知道你能不能核对一下酒井先生欧洲的行程。I wonder if you could check Mr. Sakai" s European itinerary."

我总是在出国前就计划好完整的行程表。I always have my entire itinerary planned before going abroad.

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他们三个礼拜的行程表一直在坐巴士和火车。Their three-week itinerary is filled with bus and train rides.

他走的这整条路线好象是一条在夜间摸黑下山的梯级。The whole of this itinerary resembled a descent of black steps.

现在,游客又可以在行程中加一个以奢侈为主题的手机店了。Now they can add a luxury-themed cell phone shop to their itinerary.

价单上所有价格的有效期是以完成整个行程天数进行计算。The ticket validity is based on the completition of whole itinerary.

你可以把自驾游计划与你的行程安排保持一致。You can plan your road trip itinerary for the schedule you need to keep.

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一天的巴淡岛购物游和一个海鲜中餐。One Day Batam City Shopping Tour with One Seafood Lunch as per itinerary.

尼娜看着梅森走向托尼的电脑,查看帕默的行事日程。Nina watches as Mason goes to Tony's computer to check Palmer's itinerary.

一场奇妙的言语不通的观光旅程开始了。The sightseeing that a wonderful utterance is illogical is itinerary began.