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国王签署了逊位的文告。The king signed the instrument of abdication.

事实上,她与退位事件一点儿关系没有。In fact, she played no part in the Abdication.

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总统签署了退位的文告。The President signed the instrument of abdication.

其政治生命的转折点。1814年退位。His political life was a turning point. 1814 abdication.

相反,这是一种荒诞的推卸责任行为。It is, instead, a grotesque abdication of responsibility.

的确如此,退位后的生活肯定是艰难的。Certainly, life after the Abdication was going to be difficult.

是的,我是去年正式辞职下来运作合肥团购网的。Yes, I was last year formal abdication comes down to run Hefei group to buy a network.

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那天的段思英宣读完退位诏书之后,就早早的退朝了。At that day, he read out the imperial abdication edict and ended the morning court early.

对于被污蔑为“拐走国王的女人”的华丽斯·辛普森来说,退位事件是一场噩梦。For Wallis Simpson, maligned as 'the woman who stole the King', the Abdication was a tragedy.

辞职工作了快一个月了,为什么我的心理总是慌慌的?不知道为什么?。Abdication worked fast a month, why is my psychology always confused confused? Do not know why?

对这丧权辱国的条约,中国代表居然准备签字承认。This abdication of the treaty, the representative of China even prepared to recognize the signature.

一个并不意味着放弃自己的责任,也没有一个主张放弃应有的权利。One does not suggest abdication of one's responsibility nor does one advocate renouncing the rights due.

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嫁给爱德华三世后创造了立宪政体使他退位的美国离婚者。American divorcee whose marriage to Edward VIII created a constitutional crisis leading to his abdication.

清廷逊位后,一百多名遗老客居德人占据的青岛。More than one hundred old fogies migrated to Qingdao occupied by Genmany after the Qing Dynasty's abdication.

禅让与世袭是我国古代社会政权传承的主要形式。The abdication and Hereditary systems are the main ways of the dynastic alternation of Chinese ancient times.

他对逊位问题处理得很机巧,使他在两个星期内从深渊上升到宝塔的尖顶。His deft and skilful handling of the abdication issue raised him in a fortnight from the depth to the pinnacle.

据说,沙。贾汗极为悲伤,甚至打算退位,将王位让给他的儿子们。It is believed that Shah Jahan was inconsolable to the point of contemplating abdication in favour of his sons.

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2009年,或许我们将看到以色列与叙利亚之间达成和平协议,或许癌症将被攻克,或许伊丽莎白女王将退位?Might 2009 see a peace deal between Israel and Syria, a cure for cancer or the abdication of Queen Elizabeth II?

因为王室继承法规定,长子/女继承继承王位,只有在一些罕见的情况下——如疾病、死亡或弃权,其他兄弟姐妹们才能继承王位。Younger siblings only step up to the job in rare circumstances – in case of an illness, death, or an abdication.

除此以外,如果顺带着赋予1936年退位危机的新视角,这部电影也是很有趣的。As well as this, the movie is an intriguing, if slightly loaded new perspective on the abdication crisis of 1936.